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[JP] JR Central Begins Repairs on Homes Affected by Subsidence Near Maglev Construction Site

Posted: 27. Nov 2024, 14:01
by latestnews
リニア工事現場近くの地盤沈下 JR東海が住宅の修理始める
JR Central Begins Repairs on Homes Affected by Subsidence Near Maglev Construction Site

JR Central has begun repairing homes affected by subsidence near the Linear Chuo Shinkansen tunnel construction site in Mizunami City, Japan, as of November 27. The area in question, near Ochiai Town, has experienced falling groundwater levels and ground subsidence, potentially caused by construction-related groundwater leakage. The largest subsidence has reached 5.9 cm, with concerns of further expansion.
Source: Screenshot NHK ... 14700.html Accessed 2024-11-27

Since September, the company has been inspecting around 60 homes for damage, completing checks on 31 so far. Repairs are being conducted on homes where daily life has been impacted. JR Central pledged to continue addressing the issue in line with national standards.

During an environmental impact review meeting on November 27, Mizunami Mayor Koji Mizuno raised concerns about damage to city facilities, such as cracks in walls and floors, and called for prompt measures and a clear outlook on resolving the issue. In response, Katsumi Kato, head of JR Central’s Gifu West Construction Office, acknowledged the challenges of stopping groundwater depletion but affirmed their commitment to mitigating the problem.

Info based on NHK Japan ... 14700.html Accessed 2024-11-27

Re: [JP] JR Central Begins Repairs on Homes Affected by Subsidence Near Maglev Construction Site

Posted: 27. Nov 2024, 18:50
by Parrahub1
Have they asked the Chinese for their expertise ?