[JP] Japan Touts Benefits of Maglev Project to Local Regions

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Miss Maglev
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[JP] Japan Touts Benefits of Maglev Project to Local Regions

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Japan Touts Benefits of Maglev Project to Local Regions
The Yomiuri Shimbun

15:55 JST, May 27, 2023

The launch of maglev train services will benefit local regions, according to a government draft of a new national land development plan.

A Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry expert committee released the draft on Friday, as part of efforts to promote the Linear Chuo Shinkansen maglev project.

The current development plan compiled in 2015 emphasized the impact on the three major metropolitan areas by presenting a vision of a megaregion that will attract “people, goods, money and information from around the world.”

In contrast, the new draft highlights the advantages to regions other than the three major cities, and claims the maglev system will make it possible for people to move without changing jobs with the help of teleworking or to have second homes.

Stations are planned in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, and it is assumed the ministry has such areas in mind.


“The maglev project is more than five years behind schedule,” former JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko has said.
Source: https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/society ... 27-112384/ Accessed 2023-05-28

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