Afrail Express is a Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (SCMaglev) Technology based high-speed rail network that seeks to connect the #cities and #towns on the African continent.
But what's SCMaglev?
The short answer is, have you seen the Marvel's movie "BlackPanther"? The trains in Wakanda's Golden City are based on #MagneticLevitation.
Learn more about #Maglev at
However, Superconducting Magnetic Levitation Technology is an even more advanced system developed in Japan that can accelerate the trains up to 600 km/h in a more safe, quiet, secure and super fast environment.
This is what makes Afrail Express the future of Africa's transport system, to transport over 600 million paying passangers weekly while delivering over 500 million packages to their delivery destination fast.
Afrail Express, powered by Cillar Coin, is poised to help Africa meets the #Agenda2063.
More about Afrail Express at
More about Cillar Coin at
#africa #technology #network #future #help
Africa will never be the same with SCMaglev high-speed passanger to connect the continent
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 25. Mar 2022, 10:06