Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

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Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

Competition is good but sometimes cooperation is needed when something will be used internationally and as a Japanese maglev is too expensive just for passengers I suggest Japan, China and Australia cooperate to build a maglev from Sydney to Melbourne with passing stations at Canberra and Albury that can earn $2,000,000 every night with overnight containers to subsidise daytime fares saving 5,000,000 tonnes jet fuel per year plus reduce the 700,000 B doubles on the Hume.

20 multimodal TBM like Florence could drive stage one Sydney to Canberra in one year.

Another thing I would like to point out is the overnight container train can go between the freight sidings 8 hours faster than any truck for next morning delivery and it may be possible to avoid complex points just by having the front wheels steerable as they would be down at the slow speed.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

If 30 separate companies spend $2b each to connect Parrahub to Melbourne via Canberra and Albury then I believe it would be fair they do not pay any tax until they earn a certain amount per annum but it would be up to the federal government how much that would be to encourage investment.

By having two teams of FIFO East Timorese getting paid $5,000 per fortnight or when they achieve 200 m driving in different directions and living in shipping containers at the launch site compound it will remove trucks and planes between Sydney and Melbourne in a few years.

Because the Japanese SC maglev has nothing touching that needs maintenance it is free from inflation like trucks and planes so by undercutting them a tad in time it would earn 10% p/a of the initial $2b they invested and would start to pay tax.

As well as connecting Sydney to Melbourne with a profitable 700 km/h Japanese SC maglev it would balance our trade with China removing the need to spend money on nuclear submarines and also help with the unemployment in East Timor without creating more housing demand but some people cannot see this.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

When I put the specs on invideo AI it came up with this in a minute. ... ea7b27904d

Parrahub 30.000 space carpark on your phone. ... source=web

Parrahub 5,000 units above on your phone. ... source=web

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

After watching Jeff Dimery on the National press club of Australia today I think we will have small 300 mw nuclear reactors replacing coal fired generators keeping the towns alive and using surplus power through HVDC cables in the tunnel making it even more profitable.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

To avoid complex points i suggest the front wheels are steerable and to minimise the size needed for a freight terminal in western Sydney the northbound trains to Brisbane would be pushed next to each other on the hardstand.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

Many people say it cannot carry a container train but surely it can have extra magnets on each container what do people think ?

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

As a container trainer is far lighter than a conventional freight train it can go overnight between Melbourne and Sydney in a 14m diameter tunnel that earns $1,400,000,000 p/a allowing the daytime ride only $10 which leaves every half hour replacing cars and trucks.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

It is a waste of time trying to get heavy electric trucks to go long distance when the overnight container train on the Sydney/Melbourne route is faster and cheaper without having to find 700,000 drivers p/a.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

Parrahub1 wrote:
10. Oct 2024, 10:31
Many people say it cannot carry a container train but surely it can have extra magnets on each container what do people think ?
After thinking about it each 40 foot container is only half the length of a SC maglev carriage and as every container has to be light enough to go on a truck there would be no problem at all. ... ViZQ%3D%3D

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

Why an underground Japanese SC maglev?

It enables a secure straight tunnel that is no more expensive than on the surface.

This enables the overnight container trains to replace trucks as it has to go 600 km/h which is impossible with wheels.

A single guideway between passing stations allows this speed.

By having twin guideways at passing stations it allows 2 stations at each city where trains southbound wait while northbound trains are doing 600 km/h and vice versa.

This allows daytime trains to leave each city every half hour for only $10 to anywhere as the income comes from replacing trucks and planes.

A 14 meter diameter single tunnel can be driven Sydney to Melbourne in two years by FIFO Chinese workers with 60 TBM from 30 launch sites with a further year to install the Japanese SC maglev.

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Re: Sydney to Melbourne Maglev

Unread post by Parrahub1 »

This is the email i sent to CEO of CLARA

Hi Nick
Japan wants to use development to redeem money with the SC maglev but it would it better to subsidise daytime fares with overnight container trains earning $1.4b p/a eliminating trucks and planes between Melbourne and Sydney WSA.
A secure 14 meter diameter tunnel can be driven by FIFO Chinese workers from 30 launch site compounds with 60 double shield hardrock TBM in two years followed by the installation of Snowy 2 HVDC cables and the Japanese SC maglev.

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