[JP] Local Reporter Accuses Shizuoka Prefectural Governor of Lies

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Miss Maglev
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[JP] Local Reporter Accuses Shizuoka Prefectural Governor of Lies

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[JP] Local Reporter Kazuya Kobayashi Accuses Shizuoka Prefectural Governor of Lies

In his book, a local journalist accuses the Shizuoka Prefectural Governor of lies in obstructing the JR maglev

The Linear Central Shinkansen, which will connect Shinagawa and Nagoya in just 40 minutes, was scheduled to begin operation in 2027. The JR Tokai Corporation is now facing an uncertain outlook for the opening of the line. One reason is the delay in construction in Shizuoka Prefecture. Governor Heita Kawakatsu has not approved the construction of an 8.9-km section in the prefecture. Why is this?

According to JR Tokai's calculations, the construction will cause approximately 2 cubic meters per second of water from the Oigawa River, which flows through Shizuoka Prefecture, to flow out of the prefecture. Kawakatsu claims that this will affect the water supply for 620,000 people in the basin and cause serious water shortages. Kawakatsu has been vocal about his desire to protect the "water of life" for the people of Shizuoka Prefecture. In response, JR has proposed a measure to return the same amount of water to the Oigawa River as was discharged, but the two sides have remained at loggerheads. There is no prospect of starting construction.

The author (Kazuya Kobayashi) of "Governor Kawakatsu Shirikkaku: Kawakatsu Heita, who delayed the Linear project with the lie of 'water of life'" (Asuka Shinsha), was born and raised in Shizuoka Prefecture, and is a former reporter for the Shizuoka Shimbun.

In the book, Kazuya Kobayashi reexamines Governor Kawakatsu's claim about the "water of life" for 620,000 people. As I unraveled the truth one by one, I found that 260,000 people use the wide-area water supply system on the Oigawa River, and that those 260,000 people will not suffer from water shortages as a result of the construction work that has begun. We found out that what the governor said was total bullshit," he criticizes.

Info: https://president.jp/articles/-/65431 Accessed: 2022-01-19

Kazuya Kobayashi:
Source: https://president.jp/articles/-/65431?page=2 Accessed: 2022-01-19

Kazuya Kobayashi
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1954. After graduating from Waseda University, he joined the Shizuoka Shimbun. After working as a reporter in the politics and culture sections, he left the company in 2008. He later launched the local news site "Shizuoka Keizai Shimbun" and is currently the editor-in-chief of "Shizuokajin" magazine. Author of "Governor Disqualified: Heita Kawakatsu Delays Linear Project, 'Water of Life' Lies" (Asuka Shinsha)

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