Hyperloop One shuts down

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Hyperloop One shuts down

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Hyperloop One shuts down
The company which became well known for its idea of shooting people hundreds of miles an hour through a vacuum has shut down.

The aim of Hyperloop One [...] was to dramatically cut journey times. It has previously received backing from Virgin founder Richard Branson, but he pulled out last year.

The firm will lay off its remaining staff by the end of the year, according to Bloomberg.

However, while Hyperloop One did build some prototypes in the Nevada desert, the project stalled with some experts expressing doubts about its engineering challenges.

It would have required the construction of giant tubes across the countryside and within towns.


A trial of the system took place with two company employees in 2020 - the first successful passenger ride using hyperloop technology.

The pod reached a top speed of 107mph (172km/h) on the 546yds (500m) test run.

But the company announced a change in strategy in 2022, saying it would focus on transporting cargo instead of people.

That change also came with an announcement of over 100 job losses, and was followed by more job cuts later in the year.

By the end of the year, it was reported that Richard Branson, who had been company chairman, was pulling out and the company lost the endorsement of Virgin.


DP World, the Dubai-based company which owns a majority stake in Hyperloop One, has been contacted for comment.
Source: Imran Rahman-Jones - BBC News quoted by: Yahoo News https://au.news.yahoo.com/high-speed-tr ... 58138.html Accessed 2023-12-24
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Re: Hyperloop One shuts down

Unread post by Eurorapid »

The closure of Hyperloop One could be seen as a significant setback to futuristic transportation technology. [...] the company aimed to transport people in vacuum tubes at speeds of up to 1.200 kilometers per hour.

The company, which previously received support from Virgin's founder Richard Branson, entered a difficult period with Branson's withdrawal last year. According to Bloomberg, the company will lay off its remaining staff by the end of the year.


The company decided to halt the project due to difficulties encountered while producing prototypes in the Nevada desert and technical problems around corners. Despite a successful test drive in 2020, the company announced that it will make a strategic change in 2022 and focus on cargo transportation.

Hyperloop One has also been on the agenda with scandals over the years. Ziyavudin Magomedov, one of the former directors of the company, was imprisoned in Russia on charges of embezzlement. Additionally, another investor, Shervin Pishevar, left the company in 2017 after Bloomberg reported sexual harassment allegations.
Source: https://www.raillynews.com/2023/12/hype ... m-is-over/ Accessed 2023-12-25
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Re: Hyperloop One shuts down

Unread post by DaSo »

Is anyone surprised by this? I intend this to be an honest question, not a mockery. As far as I know, they never had a concept how to handle the depressurerised tubes they need, while transporting more than cargo. Or did they?

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Re: Hyperloop One shuts down

Unread post by Eurorapid »

DaSo wrote:
16. Jan 2024, 08:01
Is anyone surprised by this? I intend this to be an honest question, not a mockery. As far as I know, they never had a concept how to handle the depressurerised tubes they need, while transporting more than cargo. Or did they?
No, this is not a surprise. But it is not a nice development.
How long will other Hyperloop projects be able to continue?
Do they make sense overall?
Or has the death knell been sounded?
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