[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Shizuoka Prefecture is concerned that the water balance in the important Oi River will be severely disrupted by the construction of the tunnel for the Japanese high-speed Maglev system. The river is of considerable importance for the drinking water supply of some 600,000 people in the prefecture and is also important for the region's paper industry, which has a high demand for water. The prefecture is demanding the detour and complete return to the Oi River of all water that could be affected by the tunnel.

One of the reasons why the prefectural government and water users have demanded that JR Tokai guarantees to return the entire volume of water (from the tunnel construction is that JR Tokai has been claiming that there will be no impact from the construction of the linear railway line. JR Tokai has made several predictionsregarding the issue that seem insufficient from a scientific point of view. They lacked prior studies of geology, river flow, groundwater levels, and precipitation. It seems difficult to predict the extent of the impact when data is insufficient. The prefectural government has therefore demanded that all relevant data be researched and made available before a decision is made on tunnel construction ...

The conflict plays out against the backdrop of years of conflict of a fundamental nature between the prefecture and JR Tokai. The prefecture has long considered itself disadvantaged by JR Tokai, especially with regard to the connection of the prefectural airport and the city of Shizuoka by conventional Shinkansen trains. The bitterness in the prefecture about the plans and decisions of JR Tokai seems to be great.

While the prefectural government has consistently demanded the return of all water from the tunnel in order to avoid the impact of the construction work on the middle and lower reaches of the river, the Central Japan Railway Company has stepped up its insistence that the impact can be avoided. Without the prefecture's approval, JR Tokai will not be able to realize the tunnel for a long time. This is already delaying the entire line construction and the start of operations by years.


Source: 水資源をめぐるリニア中央新幹線の有識者会議が紛糾…赤羽国交相がJR東海に苦言
https://response.jp/article/2020/05/11/334444.html Accessed 2021-04-05

The solution (in my opinion) will be a compromise that will require significant concessions from JR Tokai, including possibly a Maglev station in the prefecture (not planned so far), elaborate water return lines, and Nozomi Shinkansen stops in Shizuoka city.

For those who are interested in the overall context in more detail: Here is a link to a publication of the IMB on this topic:

https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... aglev_Line
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Did the Department improperly alter the documentation of meetings?

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Did the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism improperly alter the documentation of meetings?

Did the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) add text to the documentation of an expert meeting on the construction of the Shinkansen Central Line in Shizuoka Prefecture that was not actually said?

In an interview with the MLIT, it seems that in the documentation of the 9th meeting held in February this year, some words were added that were not actually said, such as "I think it is time to prepare and publish an interim summary" and "I strongly believe that it is necessary to summarize the results from a scientific and technical point of view." However, the MLIT claims rather the opposite: that some of what was actually said was deleted.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is quoted as saying, "We followed the corrections made by the committee members when we circulated the draft minutes" and "In the past, we have made additions and corrections to the minutes to make them easier to understand in written form, as long as the purpose of what was said remains unchanged, and we believe it is within the scope of such corrections this time as well."

Source: TBS News Japan, 7日 23時25分
Accessed: 2021-04-07
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Linear track meeting fails to take minutes as said

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The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has announced that the minutes of a meeting of experts on the Shizuoka construction zone of the Central Shinkansen Line were not prepared as said, and some parts were added or deleted after the fact. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) says it made the changes at the request of committee members, but experts say the minutes are meaningless.

Info: Based on Source: https://www.hokkoku.co.jp/articles/-/378893
Accessed: 2021-04-07

From the perspective of a domocratic form of government, it seems surprising that the results were changed. Any addition to the protocols is questionable. Behind the scenes, there seems to be going on a struggle for interpretive sovereignty ...
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Re: The Shizuoka Maglev Website

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Translated form Japanese:
Shizuoka Prefecture has recently renewed its website with information on the problem of reduced flow of the Oi River due to the construction of the Central Linear Shinkansen Line. In addition to releasing a new video explaining the geological structure of the Minami-Alps, [...] the site has been strengthened by organizing the status of the prefectural and national expert meetings.

 At the beginning of the website, the reason for the prolonged delay in resolving the issue is stated: "The dialogue is taking a long time because it is difficult for JR Tokai to submit data as a basis for dialogue. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) clearly stated the position of the expert panel: "The MLIT, feeling threatened by the speed of progress in the dialogue, established the panel to provide guidance to JR.

The website was redesigned after the prefectural assembly pointed out the need to strengthen the dissemination of information. Yasuhiro Oribe, director of the prefectural government's Life and Environment Department, stressed, "Through this site, we hope to convey the prefecture's position, which is often misunderstood, in an easy-to-understand manner to people in and outside the prefecture.
Source (in Japanese): 南アルプスの特殊な地質説明 静岡県がHP刷新【大井川とリニア】
Accessed: 2021-04-08
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Citizens' group protests against Maglev line

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Citizens' group in Kakegawa signs petition of 3,650 people to the governor to "not allow the start of construction"

 On April 7, a citizens' group called "Ogasa-Kakegawa Association for Protecting the Water and Nature of the Oigawa River from Linear," headed by Katsuyuki Sano, submitted 3,650 signatures to Governor Heita Kawakatsu, urging him not to approve the start of construction of the Shizuoka section of the Minami-Alps Tunnel for the Central Linear Railway.

 According to the citizens' group, there are about 80 members. Most of the water used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes in the Ogasa and Kakegawa areas, including Kakegawa City and Kikugawa City, comes from the Oi river.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun, 2021/4/8 Local Edition (in Japanese).
Online: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210408/d ... 20/118000c
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Credibility problem of the MLIT?

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The following text is a summary of key statements from a Japanese text in the Nikkan Sports Shimbun.
https://www.nikkansports.com/general/co ... 00087.html
Accessed: 2021-04-09

リニア中央新幹線有識者会議 国交省お粗末の限り/政界地獄耳
Title Translation: Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has done a lousy job at the expert panel meeting on the Central Shinkansen line.

In April 2021, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) held an expert meeting to discuss the impact of the Shizuoka construction area on water resources. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), which was supposed to mediate the conflict between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture, did not play its role. The MLIT's Railroad Bureau was out of control.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) is suspected to have been in agreement with JR Tokai from the beginning. The problem this time was the exchange of opinions on how to summarize the interim report at the 9th meeting (February 28). It was found that the minutes were not prepared as stated, and some parts were added or deleted after the fact. This means that all of the policies set forth by the ministry have failed.

From the beginning, there were strong protests from the media and the prefecture that the comments made by the chairperson of the expert panel, Shoji Fukuoka (Professor at Chuo University's Research and Development Organization), after the meeting, did not reflect the content of the meeting.

Heita Kawakatsu, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, criticized the earlier meeting on March 23, saying, that the meetings follow JR Tokai's documents and lacks neutrality. He also said that the chairperson's comments were compiled outside the meeting in an undisclosed location and called for the chairperson to be replaced.
Original document/report: Nikkan Sports Shimbun (in Japanese) https://www.nikkansports.com/general/co ... 00087.html
Accessed: 2021-04-09
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"Chairman's talk is a waste of time" (?)

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Governor and others criticize Chairman of Expert panel: The Chairman's talk "is a waste of time":

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel (chaired by Fukuoka Shouji, a professor at Chuo University's Research and Development Organization) has issued a written statement summarizing its discussions on the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Minami-Alps Tunnel for the Central Linear Shinkansen (Maglev). Shizuoka prefectural Governor Kawakatsu Heita and the chiefs of the Oigawa River basin are opposing the statement and have argued that the statement is unnecessary.
The Shizuoka prefectural government is also calling for an improvement in the method of producing the report privately after the meeting.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Railway Bureau, the secretariat, insists that the chairman's report is indispensable.

Info based on Mainichi Shimbun (online): https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210410/d ... 20/183000c
Accessed 2021-04-10
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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Records differing from those of experts' meeting appear in minutes
Shizuoka Prefecture criticizes MLIT over water problem in linear railway construction

Shizuoka Prefecture has strongly criticized the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) for recording in the minutes of a national expert meeting to discuss water issues in the construction of the Central Linear Railway.

Governor Kawakatsu is quoted as saying: "The chairperson's comments seem to reflect the intentions of the secretariat. We were astonished to learn of this.
 According to the prefectural government, in the minutes of the ninth meeting of the expert panel held in February 2021, the chairperson of the panel made comments such as, "I think it is time for the expert panel to reflect the results of its discussions and issue an interim report," but no such comments were actually made.
 The prefectural government has called for full disclosure of the experts' meeting, but the official said, "The minutes are meant to summarize what was said in an easy-to-understand manner, but they go beyond the scope of not changing the purpose of the meeting, giving the impression that the discussion was exhaustive. It gives the impression that the discussion has been exhausted. Transparency has not been ensured," he said, strongly criticizing the MLIT.

Information translated from Japanese Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f7b04 ... 8470a71aa2
Accessed: 2021-04-14
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Expert panel "distrustful" of draft interim report

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有識者会議 難波副知事中間まとめ案に「不信感」
Translation: Expert panel "distrustful" of Vice Governor Namba's draft interim report

Summary of a report by Shota Wada, Asahi Shimbun.
Accessed 2021-04-18

The 11th meeting of the expert panel on linear technology held at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (2:04 p.m., April 17, 2021, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo; photo of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Accessed 2021-04-18

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) held a meeting of experts at the ministry on April 17 [...]. The government presented a revised draft interim report based on the content of the previous meeting.

After the meeting, Takashi Namba, Vice Governor of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, said, "I was quite surprised at the contents of the draft based on the analytical model, such as the fact that river flow in the middle and lower reaches will be maintained. After the meeting, Mr. Takashi Namba, Vice Governor of Japan, expressed his dissatisfaction with the way the report was compiled, saying, "I was quite surprised at the contents of the report, and I thought that JR Tokai and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) did not understand it.

 The meeting mainly discussed efforts to avoid or reduce the impact on the use of water resources. [...]

The total amount of water inflow that may occur as a result of the tunnel excavation was estimated based on the example of the Seikan Tunnel.

Vice Governor Namba is reported as saying: "I would like you to stop using models for analysis. I can't help but have a sense of distrust.

Accessed 2021-04-18
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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Summary and translation of Japanese article:
リニアで対話路線を重視 岩井氏が正式出馬表明
Accessed: 2021-05-15

On June 14, Shigeki Iwai, 52, former Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, held a press conference in Shizuoka City to announce his candidacy in the upcoming gubernatorial election. With regard to the issue of the Central Linear Railway Shinkansen, which is considered to be the biggest point of contention, Iwai indicated that he would promote dialogue with the central government and JR Tokai, highlighting the differences between him and the current Governor Heita Kawakatsu, who is taking a more confrontational stance.

 Iwai said, "The water of the Oi River is the water of life. We cannot proceed without the understanding of the residents. On the other hand, he said, "It is also important to communicate well with them," pointing out the need for discussions with the national government and JR to overcome the situation.

Accessed: 2021-05-15

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Maglev Tunnel as an election campaign theme

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The election for Shizuoka Prefecture's governor, which will be held in June 2021, is expected to be a head-to-head contest.
 Supporters of newcomer Shigeki Iwai (former vice minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) harshly criticized the current prefectural administration of incumbent Govenor Heita Kawakatsu, saying, "The Governor talks about a lot of problems, but there are no results to show what he has done".

 On the other hand, Govenor Kawakatsu described the MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) and the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) as "powerful forces" in a video message he sent to the opening of his office in Shizuoka City on March 16. Speaking about himself on the campaign trail, he said, "I feel like a weak person standing up to a giant. Once the water is lost, it will not come back. We have to resist," he said.

 Govenor Kawakatsu, who has criticized JR and the national government's handling of the water problem in the Linear-Maglev project, has previously ridiculed Mr. Iwai, then vice minister of MLIT, as now being "the face of the national government" (because of Mr. Iwai's support for the Linear-Maglev project), and seems to be positioning the gubernatorial election as a " substitute war" against the proponents.

Info based on a report of Sankei NEws:
静岡知事選、リニア建設巡り「代理戦争」 推進・反対で舌戦
https://www.sankei.com/politics/news/21 ... 18-n1.html
Accessed on May 18, 2021.

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Maglev Tunnel as an election campaign theme

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In an interview on May 18, JR Tokai president made no mention of the Shizuoka gubernatorial election, instead saying that 'eliminating residents' concerns is the most important thing' for linear maglev construction.

Shin Kaneko, President of JR Tokai, stressed the need to continue to explain the ongoing conflict with the prefecture over the outflow of spring water from the tunnel construction. "The most important issue in the water problem is to resolve the concerns of the people in the middle and lower reaches of the Oi River about the use of water".

 Last week, a citizens' group submitted about 20,000 signatures to the prefectural government regarding the construction of the linear line Shinkansen. The prefectural government has informed the JR Tokai about this.

Info based on
JR東海社長、静岡県知事選に言及せず リニア工事には「住民の不安解消が一番大事」
https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/4b7b7 ... b132e03ee1
Accessed May 19, 2021

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Maglev Tunnel as an election campaign theme

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県知事選 4選狙う現職VS前国交副大臣 コロナ、リニア 政策の違いは 

Source: https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/105375
Accessed 2021-05-20

Summary of a report in Japanese media:
Info based onhttps://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/105375
Accessed 2021-05-20

As for the linear railway, current Governor Kawakatsu has not approved the start of construction of the Shizuoka section, citing concerns about the decline in the volume of water in the Oi River and the impact on the natural environment of the Southern Alps.

Governor Kawakatsu pointed out that, Mr. Iwai, his competitor in the upcoming election, was the "face of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism" because he was the Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and that he was composed of "conflicting opinions on the side of advancing the linear railway and the side of stopping it.

Mr. Iwai said that the construction of the Linear maglev should not begin without the understanding and cooperation of the residents of the Shizuoka basin. He emphasized that the understanding of the watershed area is a prerequisite.

Governor Kawakatsu pointed out that "the most important difference" is how to return all the spring water generated by the tunnel construction, including that flowing out of the prefecture, and rejected JR Tokai's proposal to return all the spring water in Yamanashi Prefecture over a period of up to 20 years, saying, "I have concerns about whether we can protect the water and organisms in the basin.

Mr. Iwai recognized that the "gap with the prefecture has not been bridged even at the (MLIT's) expert meeting" regarding the return of all the water. It is important to base the decision on scientific evidence. It is important to base the decision on scientific evidence, and we need to think about it without bias," he said, without stating the necessity of returning the entire amount.

Info based onhttps://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/105375
Accessed 2021-05-20

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Shizuoka disapproval of the draft interim report

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 Shizuoka Prefecture has expressed its disapproval of the draft interim report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel to review JR Tokai's environmental measures for the Shizuoka section of the Central Linear Shinkansen, making the future of the discussion uncertain. Governor Heita Kawakatsu has gone so far as to call for the replacement of the chairperson of the panel, claiming that the panel is not neutral and approves of JR Tokai's plans.

Source: https://www.chukei-news.co.jp/news/2021 ... 250801_01/
Accessed: May 25, 2021

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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静岡県知事選公開討論会 リニア問題白熱 川勝氏/生態系や水質にも問題 岩井氏/住民判断 ルート変更も

Shizuoka gubernatorial election open debate: Kawakatsu: Linear railroad issue heated up; Iwai: Residents may decide to change route

Translated info and summary of a Japanese report

https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/906481.html Accessed on 2021-05-26

On June 25, incumbent Heita Kawakatsu (72) and former councilor Shigeki Iwai (52), both of whom have announced their candidacy in the upcoming gubernatorial election [...] attended an open debate hosted by the Shizuoka Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Shimizu Terrsa in Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City. When Mr. Iwai took a tough stance against JR Tokai, saying that "changing the route or stopping the construction is an option", Mr. Kawakatsu responded with "a very important comment", and a heated discussion ensued.

They asked each other questions on the issue of the linear Maglev. Kawakatsu asked Mr. Iwai whether he agreed or disagreed with the draft of the interim report compiled by the expert committee of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which states that after the tunnel is dug, spring water from Yamanashi Prefecture will be pumped up for about 20 years. Mr. Iwai emphasized his strict stance, saying, "We will not approve the project unless the residents of the basin understand it. Mr. Kawakatsu responded by saying that it was only natural to obtain the understanding of the local residents and asked again whether he agreed or disagreed with the draft report, but time ran out.
 Mr. Iwai's reference to changing the route and stopping construction was also in response to Mr. Kawakatsu's question, and Mr. Iwai responded, "If the local residents make a decision, I will convey that decision. If the local residents make a decision, I will convey it to them." When Mr. Kawakatsu asked whether Mr. Iwai was speaking from the responsibility of the LDP as a whole, Mr. Iwai said, "That may happen based on the situation at the time".

https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/906481.html Accessed on 2021-05-26
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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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どうなるリニア 静岡・川勝知事〝けんか戦法〟の歴史と功罪
Summary of a Japanese Media report
We have been asking JR Tokai to return all the spring water from the tunnel, but they have not responded in good faith. It is difficult to cooperate with JR Tokai at this time.

In October 2009, Governor Heita Kawakatsu, who had just won a third term in office at the time, held a press conference to express his dissatisfaction with JR Tokai over the decline in the volume of water in the Oi River in relation to the Shizuoka construction zone of the Central Linear Shinkansen. In a press conference, he vented his dissatisfaction with JR Tokai, saying, "They have not expressed any remorse, they have not given any explanation, and they have not promised to bring back the full amount of water.

Source: https://www.sankei.com/article/20210601 ... VJSKLG5SA/ Accessed: 2021-06-01

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Aerial view of the Tunnel area in the Japanese Alps

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The upper stream of the Oi River, where a tunnel for the Central Linear Railway is planned.

Photo by website: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/911903.html Accessed june 7, 2021

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JR Tokai: "We will resolve the maglev problem as soon as possible"

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2021-06-10 JR Tokai president statement
2021-06-10 JR Tokai president statement
Screenshot of yahoo Japan: 6/10(木) 12:48配信 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/fa0cb ... 2b79b8b436 Accessed: 2021-06-10

Before a top meeting with the Shizuoka governor over the linear railway construction, JR Tokai President Kaneko reiterated his stance to solve the water problem as soon as possible.

Earlier, JR Tokai President Kaneko had met with the governor at the prefectural government office and asked for his understanding of the preparatory work before digging the tunnel. However, the prefectural government did not give permission and the construction has not started until today. In a press conference on June 9, 2021, JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko said that he would continue to explain the situation in an easy-to-understand manner at the national expert committee in order to resolve the concerns of the residents. He said that JR Tokai will continue to work hard to solve the problem: "We will do our best".

Info based on yahoo Japan: 6/10(木) 12:48配信 https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/fa0cb ... 2b79b8b436 Accessed: 2021-06-10
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JR, the National Government, and Shizuoka Prefecture

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JR, the National Government, and Shizuoka Prefecture to Discuss the Future of the MLIT Expert Meeting: Discussion Points and Impacts on the Volume of Water in the Midstream and Downstream Areas

Summary and English translation of Japanese Media Report: Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/913850.html
Accessed: 2021-06-11

One of the main issues in the Shizuoka Prefecture gubernatorial election to be held on March 20 is the water supply problem of the Oi River due to the construction of the Central Linear Railway Shinkansen. How will the construction of a long tunnel through the Southern Alps, the source of water, affect the use of water in the middle and lower reaches of the river? The following is an overview of the discussions at the expert panel held by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, including JR Tokai's explanation and the views of the prefectural government.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has held 11 expert meetings since last April. No conclusions were reached in April this year in Tokyo.

JR Tokai's view and explanation

 The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Expert Council was set up by the Ministry's Railway Bureau in April last year to provide guidance to JR. Experts in hydrology, tunnel engineering, and other fields are discussing the impact of the tunnel on water use on the following themes:
1) how to return all the spring water from the tunnel to the surface water of the Oi River, and
2) the impact of the tunnel on the groundwater in the middle and lower reaches of the Oi River.
JR also presented a proposal to return spring water generated in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures over a period of time after the tunnel is penetrated, as a measure to ensure the return of all spring water from the tunnel as requested by the prefecture.

Surface water
JR Tokai's explanation: Can be maintained by making up for the decrease
 According to the flow forecast (assuming the tunnel is not covered with concrete or tarpaulins), surface water in the middle and lower reaches of the tunnel will not decrease. The flow rate will be maintained because the spring water from the Shizuoka section will be returned to the Oi River to compensate for the decrease in surface water upstream.
 However, if the geological conditions and precipitation assumptions on which the projections are based are different, the amount of water flowing out of the prefecture and the amount returned to the Oi River will change, and the amount of surface water in the middle and lower reaches of the river may decrease.
 Considering the safety of the construction, until the tunnel is penetrated, spring water from the sections dug from the Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures will not be returned to the Oi River and will flow out of the prefecture. Even in such a case, if the water from the tunnel in the Shizuoka section is pumped up and returned to the Oi River, the volume of surface water in the middle and lower reaches of the river will be maintained, except in the case of power outages.

Discussions at the MLIT expert meeting: Unclear if the predictions are correct

 If the volume of water inflowing into the tunnel is the volume assumed by JR Tokai, the facility plan is to be able to return the entire volume of water inflowing into the Oi River after the tunnel is penetrated using a conduit tunnel and pump-up.
 However, according to JR's construction plan, the tunnel will be excavated from the Yamanashi side near the border between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures to ensure construction safety, so the spring water will flow out of the prefecture until the tunnel is penetrated, and not all of it will be returned.
 JR's predictions for the flow rate of the tunnel have shown that the amount of surface water will be maintained even if the tunnel water flows out of the prefecture, but the predictions are based on existing data on geology and precipitation, and have not been examined to see if they are sufficient. It is unclear if the predictions are correct.

The prefectural government's view: Conduct additional surveys before construction begins.

  If the spring water from the tunnel were to flow out of the prefecture, it would inevitably have an impact on water use in the middle and lower reaches of the Oi River. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) expert panel has been particularly inadequate in discussing the impact of the spring water flowing out of the prefecture. Additional geological surveys are needed before the start of construction and the accuracy of the estimated amount of outflow from the prefecture needs to be improved.
 In order to avoid the impact of outflow, it is important to have a detailed understanding of the volume of "sudden water inflow" that occurs in large quantities at the tip of the tunnel during excavation. If the estimated volume of water near the border of the two prefectures is low, then the border of the construction area should be aligned with the border of the two prefectures, and the tunnel should be bored downward from the Shizuoka side toward the border of Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures to prevent water from flowing out of the tunnel.
 In the event of a prolonged power outage due to an earthquake or other large-scale disaster, securing the backup power supply needed to pump up the spring water will also be an issue.

JR Tokai's explanation: Water level drop converged in upstream
 According to the analysis of the composition of groundwater in the upstream and middle and downstream areas, the main recharge source of groundwater in the middle and downstream areas is not considered to be groundwater in the upstream area. The extent of groundwater level decrease due to tunnel excavation has converged near the exit of the conduit tunnel.

Discussion by MLIT expert committee: Continuation of water level observation is necessary.
 Once the groundwater in the upstream area becomes surface water, it flows down and becomes groundwater in the middle and downstream areas, so if the amount of surface water in the middle and downstream areas is maintained, the impact on the amount of groundwater will be very small. If the amount of surface water in the middle and lower reaches of the river is maintained, the impact on the amount of groundwater will be very small. We do not know the specific impact and should continue to observe groundwater levels.

The prefectural government's view: Observation should be useful for countermeasures.
 There is no zero impact. A series of observation wells should be installed from upstream to midstream and downstream. It is necessary to increase the number of observation points for groundwater levels and take measures to understand them. It is necessary to increase the number of observation points of groundwater level to understand the situation.

Proposal to return water inflow after penetration
JR Tokai explained that it would take 10 to 20 years to return the same amount of water.
 It is inevitable that spring water from the tunnel will flow out of the prefecture, but instead, after the tunnel is penetrated, the same amount of water will be returned to the tunnels in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures over a period of time. The estimated outflow to the Yamanashi side is 3 to 5 million tons (equivalent to about 10,000 elementary school swimming pools). It is estimated that it will take 10 to 20 years to return the same amount of water.

Discussions at MLIT expert meeting: Effective risk countermeasures
 Isn't this an effective risk management measure? The secretariat (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Railway Bureau) and I thought about this idea. There is an issue of time lag, but the idea is to compensate for the spring water that has flowed out. JR will consult with the prefectural government and cities and towns in the basin regarding the specific method.

The prefectural government's view: The impact cannot be avoided.
 If it takes a long time to return the water, the water in the Oi River will decrease in the meantime, and the impact cannot be avoided. It is questionable whether the amount and quality of water to be returned will be sufficient when considering the possibility of a massive outflow due to a sudden spring. The detailed geology of the area is unknown, and there is a possibility that the situation will not turn out as expected.

Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/913850.html Accessed: 2021-06-11

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Status of the Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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 Talks on the resumption of construction of the linear railway between the prefectural government, which is concerned that the tunnel construction will reduce the flow of the Oi River, which runs through Shizuoka Prefecture, and JR Central, which is the main operator of the project, are running at a parallel track.
 In April last year, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) set up an expert panel consisting of river engineering experts to mediate between the prefecture and JR Tokai. In March of this year, the ministry released a draft of an interim report that was in line with JR Tokai's assertion that the flow rate in the middle and lower reaches of the river would be maintained if the spring water discharged during the construction work was returned through a water channel tunnel.
 However, Mr. Kawakatsu protested. The expert panel is also discussing the impact on the ecosystem around the construction zone, and the timing of the final report cannot be predicted. Even if the final report is completed, it is unclear whether the prefectural government will accept it, and a MLIT official said, "We have no choice but to carefully fill in the gaps (in the arguments between JR Tokai and the prefecture).

 The suspension of construction on the Shizuoka section has made it difficult to open the Tokyo-Nagoya line between Tokyo and Nagoya in 2027, as originally planned, and the prospect of a new opening remains uncertain.
Kawakatsu stressed to his supporters in Shizuoka City on the evening of the 20th (after his victory in the gubernatorial elections) "the people of the prefecture have entrusted me with the question of whether or not we can protect the natural environment. Afterwards, he told reporters, "I will continue to have a thorough dialogue with JR Tokai".

English translation and summary of a Japanese Media report https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2021062000383&g=pol
Accessed June 20, 2021

Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu takes questions from reporters on a forest road leading to the construction site of the Central Linear Railway in Shizuoka City in July 2020.
Japanese Media report https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2021062000383&g=pol
Accessed June 20, 2021

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NHK: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Summary and translation of a Japanese report NHK

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202106 ... 61000.html Accessed: 2021-06-24

The Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) is aiming to open a line between Shinagawa and Nagoya in 2027. It will connect the two major cities in as little as 40 minutes, passing through Shizuoka and other prefectures.
Expectations for economic revitalization are high, and there are many calls for an early opening.
On the other hand, Shizuoka Prefecture is concerned about the impact on the water of the Oi River, which supports the lives of 620,000 people in the basin and is called "the water of life" by the locals. The reason for this is that a linear railway tunnel is planned to run under the headwaters of the Oi River, deep beneath the Southern Alps.

In October last year, about 100 people in the basin, including tea growers, a specialty of Shizuoka Prefecture, filed a lawsuit in court to stop the construction in the prefecture.

The tunnel, which is considered to be one of the most difficult to build along the linear railway line, will be dug at a depth of up to 1,400 meters below the surface of the mountain. It is believed that a large amount of groundwater, which is the source of water for the Oi River, is stored underground.
According to an estimate by JR Tokai, if no measures are taken, the water in the Oi River will decrease by up to 2 tons per second as a result of the groundwater gushing into the tunnel due to the construction.

This is said to be equivalent to enough water for 600,000 people.


Ahead of the gubernatorial election, NHK conducted an Internet survey of 1,000 prefectural residents over the age of 18.
When asked what they expected most from the linear railway, the answer chosen by the largest number of people, 41%, was "Nothing.
The answer chosen by the largest number of respondents (41%) was "I have no expectations," far exceeding the next most popular answers of "shortening travel time" (18%) and "revitalizing the Japanese economy" (16%).
There are no plans to build a linear line station in Shizuoka Prefecture. In my interviews, I often hear people say, "Since there will be no station, there is no benefit.

On the other hand, when asked what they are most worried about, 37% answered "the impact on water resources", followed by "the impact on the ecosystem of the Southern Alps (20%)", indicating that nearly 60% are concerned about the impact on the environment.

The survey suggests that people are becoming more concerned about the destruction of the environment rather than their expectations for the linear line.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202106 ... 61000.html Accessed: 2021-06-24
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Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Summary of translated Japanese Media news:  In 2014, the prefectural government requested JR to return all spring water generated in the in-prefecture section during the construction period and after the railway was put into service as part of the environmental impact assessment procedure, and President Kaneko announced the return of all water.

 Mutsumi Asaba, secretary-general of the Oigawa Right Bank Land Improvement District, which supplies water to farmers, said of the president's statement, "I feel like he is evading responsibility. JR doesn't have the attitude of not allowing water to flow out as much as possible. The relationship of trust is important," he said.

 It is said that a large amount of water is released when excavating through water-containing ground, and JR has repeatedly explained the possibility of the tunnel tip being underwater during excavation. When the Minami-Alps Tunnel is dug from Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, the spring water in Shizuoka Prefecture flows out to other prefectures at a gradient, and the amount of spring water on the Yamanashi side alone is said to be equivalent to about 10,000 elementary school swimming pools.
 A spokesman for JR Tokai said that when asked by Governor Heita Kawakatsu (at a top-level meeting in June last year) what he would do if the full amount could not be returned, President Shin Kaneko said, "In the end, we will make sure that people who use water from the Oigawa River do not suffer. The press conference held on June 17 this year was to the same effect. He did not say whether or not the full amount of water would be returned during the construction period.

Info Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/931015.html Accessed: July 18, 2021

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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The construction of the Central Linear Railway, which JR Tokai aims to open between Shinagawa, Tokyo and Nagoya in 2027, has come to a standstill. This is because Governor Heita Kawakatsu, who is concerned about the environmental impact of the construction of a tunnel under the Southern Alps in northern Shizuoka Prefecture, has refused to allow construction to begin. Kawakatsu won the gubernatorial election in June, when the linear railway issue was the main point of contention. Since then, with the support of the people of the prefecture, he has been pressing the company to change the route of the project at various occasions, and the situation has become increasingly confusing.


Source: https://sankei-sankei-prod.cdn.arcpubli ... EUFMKY.jpg
https://www.sankei.com/article/20210728 ... FJISYSC4I/ Accessed: 2021-07-28

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The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Shizuoka Linear-Maglev Shinkansen


Translated and summarized info from Mainichi Shimbun 2021/8/27 Tokyo Morning Edition
A Commentary by Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu

With regard to the Linear Central Shinkansen (between Tokyo's Shinagawa and Nagoya) to be developed by JR Tokai, the opening of the line in 2027 is in jeopardy because Governor Heita Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, where part of the running route is located, has continued to refuse to start construction, and he was elected governor by a wide margin in June this year. The prolonged corona disaster has reduced long-distance travel, and some are questioning the necessity of the project.

 In the June election for the governorship of Shizuoka Prefecture, I, the incumbent, won an overwhelming victory over a candidate nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party. The main concern of the voters was the Linear Central Shinkansen. I am not opposed to the linear line itself, but if it starts service, the number of Hikari and Kodama trains on the Tokaido Shinkansen is expected to increase, which will benefit Shizuoka Prefecture. In response to a report by the Central Japan Railway Company that the tunnel construction would lower the groundwater level in the specially protected area of the Minami-Alps National Park by more than 300 meters, I strongly argued that construction work that would deprive the lives of the biota of the Minami-Alps, a UNESCO Eco Park, was unacceptable. In the meantime, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) candidate is campaigning for the election.

 On the other hand, when the LDP candidate entered the election campaign, he repeatedly said in public that he would change the route of the linear railway and stop the construction, surprising voters who thought he was a proponent of the linear railway. Both candidates, myself and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), spoke out harshly against the Central Japan Railway Company (JRTC) for the construction of the South Alps Tunnel.

https://mainichi.jp/articles/20210827/d ... 70/008000c 2021-08-21

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How to resolve the conflict between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture?

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リニア中央新幹線建設へ「大井川」をめぐるJR東海と静岡県との対立 解決の糸口はどこに?

How to resolve the conflict between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture over the Oigawa River for the construction of the Central Linear Shinkansen?

Author: Jun Umehara, Railroad journalist. Born in 1965. After graduating from university, he joined Mitsui Bank (now Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) and worked in the editorial department of the monthly magazine "Tetsudou Fan" published by Koyu Sha before starting his career as a railroad journalist in 2000. He has written many books, including "Shinkansen wo Osuru Gijutsu" (SB Creative), "Can JR Survive?" (Yosen-sha), and "Densha-tachi no 'Dai-ni no Seikatsu'" (The Second Life of Trains) (Kotsu Shimbun).

Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/umehara ... 5-00256462 Accessed: 2021-09-08

English translation and partially shortened text/summary of a Japanese Report:
The will of the people of Shizuoka Prefecture became clear in the gubernatorial election

 The biggest issue in the construction of the Central Linear Railway Shinkansen by JR Tokai is the understanding and cooperation of Shizuoka Prefecture. In June, Heita Kawakatsu was elected governor of the prefecture, and his policy of not granting construction permits for the section of the line that runs through the prefecture was supported by the people of the prefecture. So let's try to sort out what the issues are between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture and find a solution.

 The Central Japan Railway's track length is 285.6 km between Shinagawa and Nagoya. Of the 285.6 km, 10.7 km of it will pass through Shizuoka Prefecture in the 25.0 km-long Minami-Alps Tunnel.


 The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has approved the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen, so JR Tokai can ignore the wishes of Shizuoka Prefecture and proceed with construction. However, Akihiro Ota, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism at the time, required "understanding and cooperation of the local community through careful explanations to local residents" and "safe and reliable construction of the Minami-Alps Tunnel and other tunnels" when approving the project. In other words, the understanding and cooperation of the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, who represents the local residents, is required.

 In addition, under the River Law, the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen cannot be approved without the Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture. This is because the facilities that use riverbed land for which permission is required include railroad tunnels, and the Minami-Alps Tunnel runs under the Oi River. Although the Oigawa River is a first class river managed by the national government, Shizuoka Prefecture has been entrusted with some of the authority by the national government.

What are the points of contention between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture?

 The main point of disagreement between JR Tokai and Shizuoka Prefecture is the Oi River. Let me briefly state the points of contention between the two sides. How much water will be lost from the Oi River due to the construction of the Minami-Alps Tunnel, and how will that water be replaced?

 The groundwater in the Southern Alps, which was originally supposed to flow into the Oi River, will become spring water in the tunnel as a result of digging the Minami-Alps Tunnel. With today's civil engineering technology, no matter how sturdy the tunnel is made of concrete, it is impossible to completely prevent the water from flowing out.

 JR Tokai estimates that the average volume of spring water in the Shizuoka Prefecture section of the Minami-Alps Tunnel is 2.67 cubic meters per second. On the other hand, the amount of water flowing into the Oi River, which will be reduced by the construction of the tunnel, is predicted to average about 2 cubic meters per second, from 11.9 cubic meters before construction to 9.87 cubic meters at the Tokusa weir of the Akaishi Power Plant upstream. It should be noted that these estimates were based on the assumption that the tunnel would not be concreted, which is unlikely to be the case in reality, so the volume of spring water is expected to decrease. In reality, this is not possible, so the amount of spring water is expected to decrease. However, JR Tokai has not announced how much this amount will be.

On September 7, 2021, the statement "JR Tokai estimates that the volume of spring water in the entire South Alps Tunnel averages 2.67 cubic meters per second" was revised to "JR Tokai estimates that the volume of spring water in the Shizuoka Prefecture section of the South Alps Tunnel.

 In response, Shizuoka Prefecture argues that there is no scientific basis for the figures released by JR Tokai. Although they are highly accurate, they are still estimates, and the changes in the amount of water flowing into the Oi River that the tunnel will cause will not be determined until it is completed. While Shizuoka Prefecture's argument is understandable, many people will be surprised to learn that they have stumbled at this stage.

 Assuming that the amount of water flowing into the tunnel is correct, the average of 2.67 cubic meters per second of water flowing into the tunnel in Shizuoka Prefecture will flow to the east side of the tunnel (Yamanashi Prefecture) and to the west side of the tunnel (Nagano Prefecture). The problem can be solved by diverting an average of about 2 cubic meters per second of the spring water that reaches the tunnel entrances to the Oi River. However, the entrance and exit of the Minami-Alps Tunnel is far from the Oi River on both the east and west sides, making it impossible to realize.

September 7, 2021: "Spring water in the tunnel that is estimated to average 2.67 cubic meters per second" has been corrected to "Spring water in the tunnel that is estimated to average 2.67 cubic meters per second in the section in Shizuoka Prefecture.

 Therefore, JR Tokai announced that they would use a different method to return the water from the Oi River that will be lost due to the construction of the Minami-Alps Tunnel. From a point in Shizuoka Prefecture in the Minami-Alps Tunnel, which runs from the Yamanashi Prefecture side in a west-northwest direction, to Sawarajima in the Oi River basin, first in an east-southeast direction and then in a south-southeast direction, an 11.5-km-long conduit tunnel will be dug to discharge the spring water into the Oi River. Sawarajima is located about 2 km downstream from the Akaishi Power Plant's Kisai weir. The total volume of the spring water, including that pumped into the conduit tunnel and that pumped into the conduit, is estimated to be an average of 2.67 cubic meters per second.


 Although Shizuoka Prefecture appreciates the water conduit, they question it, citing what will be done with the reduced amount of flowing water upstream of Sawarajima, and even downstream of that, the amount of groundwater appearing on the surface will be reduced, which will ultimately reduce the amount of flowing water in the Oi River. However, the difference in elevation between the South Alps Tunnel and Sawarajima is 12 meters, and if the outlet of the conduit is placed upstream of Sawarajima, the difference in elevation will be less, and there is a high possibility that water will not flow.

 Shizuoka Prefecture, in response to JR Tokai's claim that 2.67 cubic meters per second of water will be returned, "demanded that the entire amount of (tunnel spring water) be returned to the Oigawa River permanently and without fail" (First Linear Central Shinkansen Shizuoka Construction Area Expert Meeting, "Handout 1-2: Main Background of the Oigawa River Water Resources Issue," April 27, 2020, page 1/3). It is claimed that It seems that they are just saying the same thing with different expressions, so there is no discrepancy between their arguments. However, in my interpretation, there are glimpses that Shizuoka Prefecture sometimes refers to the "tunnel" not as the section in Shizuoka Prefecture, but as the entire section in Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures. It seems unlikely that the two sides will be able to come to an agreement.

In addition, Shizuoka Prefecture is insisting that the entire volume of spring water generated in the Minami-Alps Tunnel, or 2.67 cubic meters, be returned, rather than the average of 2.35 cubic meters per second. (The 1st Linear Central Shinkansen Shizuoka Construction Area Expert Meeting, "Handout 1-2: Main Background of the Oigawa River Water Resources Issue," April 27, 2020, page 1/3). It seems that they are just saying the same thing with different expressions, so there is no discrepancy between their arguments. However, in my interpretation, there are glimpses of the claim that Shizuoka Prefecture sometimes expands the scope of "tunnel" to include all sections of Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures, instead of the section in Shizuoka Prefecture in the Minami-Alps Tunnel.

There are parts of the project that do not meet Shizuoka Prefecture's demands in terms of safety.

 To cite a few more, Shizuoka Prefecture has asked JR Tokai that the flow of water in the Oi River should not be reduced even while the Minami-Alps Tunnel is being dug, and although JR Tokai initially showed its willingness to comply with Shizuoka Prefecture's request, after an investigation it replied that it was not possible, mainly for safety reasons.

 In order to meet Shizuoka Prefecture's request, the 25.0km-long Minami-Alps Tunnel would have to be bored from the middle section in Shizuoka Prefecture. This is because if the tunnel is dug from the Yamanashi side, close to the entrance and exit of the fault zone where a large amount of groundwater is believed to exist on the border between Shizuoka Prefecture and its eastern neighbor Yamanashi Prefecture, the spring water will not flow into the Oi River.

 You may think it is impossible to dig a tunnel from the middle of a mountain, but theoretically it is possible. In order to dig the Minami-Alps Tunnel, a steeply sloping tunnel called the Sengoku Leaning Pit is being constructed from a higher place than the Minami-Alps Tunnel to reach a section in Shizuoka Prefecture. The Sengoku shaft will provide an additional work area for the construction of the tunnel and will also serve as an evacuation route once completed. Shizuoka Prefecture's hopes would be fulfilled if the tunnel could be bored through this inclined shaft into the fault zone at the prefectural border and the spring water could be channeled into a water conduit.

 However, it is a downhill slope from the Sengoku shaft to the prefectural border fault zone, so even if a larger-than-expected volume of spring water is generated when the fault zone is reached, it will not flow behind the work site, and there is a limit to the amount of water that can be drained by pumps. The amount of water that can be drained by pumps is also limited. If this were to happen, the work site would be submerged and the workers would be in mortal danger. These are the reasons for safety. Shizuoka Prefecture seems to have understood the situation, but it does not seem to have dropped its original argument.

 Despite Shizuoka Prefecture's claims, as of this moment, spring water from the Minami-Alps Tunnel construction in Yamanashi Prefecture is still flowing into the entrance on the Yamanashi side, and spring water from Nagano Prefecture is still flowing into the entrance on the Nagano side. The reason for this is that construction is already underway at the east and west entrances of the tunnel to create an advanced tunnel to drain the spring water and increase the working area of the main shaft through which trains pass.

Despite Shizuoka Prefecture's claims to the contrary, at this point the spring water generated by the Minami-Alps Tunnel construction is still flowing into Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures. Despite Shizuoka Prefecture's claim, even at this point in time, spring water from the Minami-Alps Tunnel construction in Yamanashi Prefecture is flowing into the entrance on the Yamanashi Prefecture side, and spring water in Nagano Prefecture is flowing into the entrance on the Nagano Prefecture side.

 The amount of spring water expected to flow to the entrances and exits on both Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures when the Minami-Alps Tunnel is completed is shown in "8-2-4 Water Environment - Water Resources for both Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures in the Central Shinkansen (between Tokyo and Nagoya City) Environmental Impact Assessment (August 2014)" by JR Tokai. According to the "Water Environment - Water Resources," the maximum average water flow rate is 0.17 cubic meters per second in the Kawachi River (midstream) in the Tashiro River No. 1 Power Plant, south of the entrance and exit on the Yamanashi Prefecture side (including spring water from the No. 4 Minamikoma Tunnel just east of the Minami-Alps Tunnel), and 0.004 cubic meters per second in Tokorozawa (near the Kamazawa water source), east of the entrance and exit on the Nagano Prefecture side. The Oigawa River is also said to have a maximum average of 1.9 cubic meters per second on the Yamanashi side (Tashiro River No. 2 Power Plant, Oigawa River). Although the location of the spring is unknown, it must still be there at the present time, as the tunnel is being dug parallel to the main shaft through which trains pass, and an advanced shaft is being dug to drain the spring water, increase work space, and serve as an evacuation route once completed. Shizuoka Prefecture may want to point this out, but since the construction has been approved by other prefectures, they cannot interfere.

The amount of spring water that is expected to flow to the entrances and exits of both Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures upon completion of the Minami-Alps Tunnel is estimated to be about 0.31 cubic meters per second on average at the Yamanashi entrance and 0.01 cubic meters per second at the Nagano entrance, according to JR Tokai. According to the "Central Shinkansen (Tokyo-Nagoya City) Environmental Impact Assessment (August 2014), Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures, 8-2-4 Water Environment - Water Resources" of the Central Japan Railway Company, the volume of spring water expected to flow to the entrances and exits of both Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures upon completion of the Minami-Alps Tunnel is estimated to be a maximum of 0.17 cubic meters per second on average at the Kawachi River (midstream) in the Tashiro River No. 1 Power Plant, south of the Yamanashi Prefecture entrance (0.01 cubic meters per second on average at the No. 4 Power Plant, just east of the Minami-Alps Tunnel). Oigawa River) on the Yamanashi Prefecture side, and 1.9 cubic meters per second on the Tashiro River No. 2 Power Plant Oigawa River on the Yamanashi Prefecture side. According to JR Tokai, no spring water has been found during the construction of the Minami-Alps Tunnel in Yamanashi and Nagano prefectures.

The disagreement is still big. Is there a solution?

 Shizuoka Prefecture is in favor of the construction of the linear central Shinkansen itself. That being the case, JR Tokai must prepare an answer that Shizuoka Prefecture can accept regarding the impact on the Oi River. However, it is true that the amount of water flowing in the Oi River will not be known until the tunnel is actually completed. Moreover, the disagreement over the amount of water that will decrease during the construction of the tunnel has been going around in circles, and there is no prospect of a solution.

 So what should be done? I would like to propose the application of a method that has been used in real-life Shinkansen tunnels. The idea is to let the spring water in the tunnel flow from the roadbed, which is the tunnel floor, into the mountains.

 Specifically, the roadbed, which is the foundation of the railroad track, would be lined with hydraulic slag, a material that can be used to make concrete, and the concrete walls of the tunnel would be made permeable below the roadbed. The structure mentioned above was used in the first Satsuma Tunnel (0.881 km long), the second Satsuma Tunnel (0.339 km long), and the third Satsuma Tunnel (1.150 km long) of JR Kyushu between Sendai and Kagoshima Chuo on the Kyushu Shinkansen line. All three tunnels were dug below the groundwater level, which is naturally rich in spring water. In addition, since the tunnels pass through a Shirasu plateau, which is fragile to water, it was expected that particles of Shirasu soil would be spewed onto the tracks along with the spring water due to the vibration caused by the passing trains. Therefore, the spring water was allowed to seep into the roadbed to prevent it from spewing out onto the tracks.

The structure of the permeable roadbed used in the first and third Satsuma tunnels of the Kyushu Shinkansen. The spring water in the granulated slag is discharged from the tunnel to the entrance.[...]

 In the first through third Satsuma tunnels, granulated slag was spread over a width of about 8.6 meters and a thickness of about 1.6 meters. Even at this scale, it was not enough to soak up all of the spring water in the tunnel, which was discharged through the tunnel to the entrance. Therefore, the idea of treating all the spring water with granulated slag may be too far-fetched. However, since the South Alps Tunnel will have a conduit tunnel, and the amount of water flowing into the inlets and outlets at both ends will probably decrease, it may be possible to cope with this problem by increasing the thickness of the granulated slag to, for example, 3 or 5 meters, or if that is not enough, to 10 meters.

 Since granulated slag is not a very strong material, the question naturally arises as to whether it can support the railroad tracks. Therefore, I would like to propose a method of driving long piles into the roadbed in the South Alps Tunnel and building the tracks on top of them.

 This method was actually used in JR East's 2.965 km long Shirasaka Tunnel between Nasushiobara and Shin-Shirakawa on the Tohoku Shinkansen line. The tunnel's tracks were originally laid on a roadbed, but vibrations caused by passing trains caused the concrete roadbed to collapse, resulting in muddy water mixed with spring water in the tunnel overflowing onto the tracks. While the construction of a conduit tunnel was considered, the problem was solved by building a bridge from 2001 to 2005, effectively supporting the tracks with piles. For the construction, JR East drove 4756 piles into the Shirasaka Tunnel. Since the length of the Minami-Alps Tunnel is 8.4 times longer than that, nearly 40,000 piles would be required if the entire section were to be constructed.

 Naturally, JR Tokai would not like this kind of construction. However, if the amount of spring water in the Minami-Alps Tunnel or how much of the spring water flows into the Oi River is not known, I think it would be less troublesome to return the spring water to the mountain instead of trying to find out.

 Besides, if the volume of water flowing down the Oi River is lower than expected after the completion of the South Alps Tunnel, JR Tokai will have to do additional work. If this is the case, it would be more beneficial to change the structure of the roadbed of the Minami-Alps Tunnel.

 There are many problems with this idea. Not only would the construction cost increase, but the amount of soil that would have to be excavated to build the tunnel would also increase. The vast majority of the soil generated by digging the Minami-Alps Tunnel would be disposed of by building an embankment at Tsubakurosawa, about 4 km upstream from Sawarajima. The current size of the embankment is about 600 meters long, 300 meters wide, and 70 meters high, which is 60 to 70 times larger than the embankment that collapsed in a mudslide in July 2021 at Izuyama, Atami City, also in Shizuoka Prefecture. Therefore, if they dug down to the bottom of the roadbed, further expansion is certain.

 Nevertheless, the problem can be solved if Shizuoka City, where Tsubamezawa is located, and Shizuoka Prefecture strictly supervise the construction of the embankment. At the risk of sounding trite, the two parties must work together at some point to complete the Minami-Alps Tunnel.

Reference: Wen Murakami, "Cavities under Tunnel Tracks," in Wen Murakami, Osamu Murata, Shinichi Yoshino, Makoto Shimamura, Masaki Seki, Tetsuro Nishida, Yoshihiro Nishimaki, and Tetsushi Koga (eds.), Protecting from Disaster, Learning from Disaster: The Struggles of the Railway Civil Engineering Maintenance Department, Japan Railway Facilities Association, 2006. December, P216-P218)
Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/umehara ... 5-00256462 Accessed: 2021-09-08
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The problem of reduced flow of the Oi River

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On Sept. 15, JR Tokai announced that it will hold the first meeting in Shizuoka City on Sept. 18 between its president Shin Kaneko and the chiefs of 10 cities and towns in the basin to exchange opinions on the problem of reduced flow of the Oi River due to the construction of the Central Linear Railway. "The meeting will be closed to the public for the reason that "the chiefs will be free to express their opinions. While the national and prefectural expert panels have not reached a conclusion on how to avoid the impact of the disaster, it will be interesting to see if the meeting will lead to a solution to the problem.

 The 10 cities and towns in the basin (Shimada, Yaizu, Kakegawa, Fujieda, Fukuroi, Omaezaki, Kikugawa, Makinohara, Yoshida, and Kawanemoto) had, in principle, entrusted the prefectural government to deal with the company, but the cities and towns responded to the request to create an opportunity for the company to explain directly. At the meeting, the company will answer the opinions and technical questions of the cities and towns in the basin without focusing on any particular theme. The municipalities explained that the meeting was closed to the public, saying, "JR set up the meeting and 10 cities and towns in the basin agreed to it" (Shimada City).

 In 2014, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism asked the company to "obtain the understanding and cooperation of the local community through careful explanations to local residents and others" as a prerequisite for starting construction.

Info based on Japanese media: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b191b ... 49bc9c2335 Accessed: September 15, 2021.

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JR Tokai president meets with city majors

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Understanding of the watershed is a prerequisite for the construction of the linear railway
2021-09-18_JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko addresses an opinion exchange meeting in Shizuoka City on the afternoon of September 18.
2021-09-18_JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko addresses an opinion exchange meeting in Shizuoka City on the afternoon of September 18.
2021-09PN2021091801000978.-.-.CI0003[1].jpg (30.04 KiB) Viewed 1725426 times
Source: https://kumanichi.com/sites/default/fil ... CI0003.jpg

 JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko addresses an opinion exchange meeting in Shizuoka City on the afternoon of September 18.

 On April 18, JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko held an opinion exchange meeting in Shizuoka City with the leaders of nine cities and towns in the Oigawa River basin, including Shimada City in Shizuoka Prefecture, to discuss the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Central Linear Shinkansen. "He reiterated that he would not proceed with the construction until he had gained the understanding of the municipalities in the basin, saying, "The construction is premised on the understanding and cooperation of the people in the basin. The cities and towns in the basin are concerned about the impact of the tunnel excavation work on the flow rate of the Oi River.

 At the beginning of the meeting, President Kaneko apologized for causing concern over the water use issue. "He stressed, "Listening to you is the start. This is the first time for Mr. Kaneko to talk directly with the officials of the cities and towns along the Oigawa River. 10 cities and towns were scheduled to participate in the meeting, but Yaizu City was absent.

Info based on Kyodo News - September 18, 2010 18:10
See: https://kumanichi.com/articles/400286

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Shizuoka: changing the route?

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リニア問題 大井川流域9市町の首長とJR東海社長が初の意見交換


Summary based on Japanese Media reports: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202109 ... 81000.html Accessed: Septemeber 19, 2021.

According to the attendees, the chiefs made a number of harsh comments about JR. President Kaneko said in an interview after the meeting, "We may have fallen short in some areas. We may not have done everything we should have done, but the concern in the basin is greater than we imagined," he said. The meeting was closed to the public. [...]

After the meeting, the mayors of the cities and towns were interviewed by reporters. Kinuyo Someya, mayor of Shimada City, said, "We asked JR to provide sufficient explanations so that the residents of the basin can feel at ease about the water use problems in the middle and lower basins and the environmental problems in the upper basin. Shohei Kitamura, mayor of Fujieda City, said at a meeting of prefectural experts after the interim report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel was finalized, "I hope JR will sincerely discuss the issue.

 President Kaneko met with Governor Heita Kawakatsu in June last year, but failed to get his consent to start construction. The 10 cities and towns in the basin have in principle unified their response to the prefectural government, but this time they agreed to an exchange of opinions with JR, which requested an opportunity to explain directly. In an interview after the meeting, President Kaneko said, "We have made a good start. We need to deepen our understanding through exchanges," said Kaneko, but Mayor Someya said only, "I don't know if there will be another meeting.

  The leaders of nine cities and towns in the Oi River revealed that they had asked President Kaneko to consider changing the route as an option and to express their concern about the large amount of earth left over from the tunnel being used to build up the river upstream.

 Motohisao Sugimoto, mayor of Makinohara City, expressed his concern about the profitability of the Linear Central Shinkansen and said, "Future Eigo (tunnel spring water) will be pumped up and returned to the Oi River. Can we really continue to do that? If you don't tell us that the project will be profitable, we won't be able to rest assured.

Summary based on Japanese Media reports: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202109 ... 81000.html Accessed: Septemeber 19, 2021.
2021-09-19 NHK L0 Aerial view
2021-09-19 NHK L0 Aerial view
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Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202109 ... _01_02.jpg Accessed: Septemeber 19, 2021.

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A change in JR Tokai's communication strategy?

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<JR東海 金子慎社長>「流域の皆様には水利用の問題を中心に大変ご心配をおかけしていることについてお詫びを申し上げます。まず皆様方のお話を聞いて、聞かせていただくことがスタートであるという風に考えています」
<I would like to apologize to the people of the Oi River basin for causing them so much concern, especially over the issue of water use. I believe that the first step is to listen. Let us hear what you have to say.

Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b6358 ... 10244ff34a Accessed 2021-09-20

The first meeting, which was held behind closed doors except for the beginning, was attended by JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko and nine mayors and townspeople from the Oigawa basin, including Shimada City and Kawane Honmachi. Regarding the Linear-Motorcycle Central Shinkansen, the impact of the tunnel construction on the water of the Oi River has been discussed at meetings of experts from the national and prefectural governments. However, since the prefectural government has been the single point of contact for dialogue with the 10 cities and towns in the basin, JR Tokai has not had an opportunity to directly explain the situation. In the first exchange of opinions, which lasted about an hour and a half, mayors and townspeople expressed their concerns about the impact of the project on water.

<Mayor Motohisao Sugimoto of Makinohara City said, "So-called artificial pumping up is used to return water. If it is not profitable, it will not be possible to continue. If it is not profitable, it cannot be done.

<Mayor Shohei Kitamura of Fujieda City said, "JR is focused on the construction of the linear line, so I think the audience could feel the gap between our thoughts on that. [...]

<Kinuyo Someya, Mayor of Shimada City: "I have been saying that we should have dialogue, not confrontation. [...] I don't know if there will be a next time. I believe that if there is no consensus, there will be no next step.

Info based on: Source: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b6358 ... 10244ff34a Accessed 2021-09-20
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The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism...

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Japan's Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Mr. Akahane, urges JR Tokai to respond carefully to the start of construction of the Maglev Central Shinkansen in Shizuoka

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Mr. Akahane, said that he appreciates the meeting between the head of the local government in the Oi River basin and the president of the Central Japan Railway Company. At a press conference after the cabinet meeting on September 21, the said, "I would like to positively evaluate the first frank exchange of opinions in this way. I believe it is very important to obtain the understanding and cooperation of the local community, and I will firmly instruct JR Tokai to face the local residents in good faith". He expressed his intention to continue to ask the JR Tokai company for a careful response.

Info based on Japanese media. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202109 ... 41000.html Accessed: September 21, 2021

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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At a regular press conference held on September 21, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Kazuyoshi Akahane responded to a reporter's question about the Shizuoka construction zone of the Linear Central Shinkansen being built by JR Tokai.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) has been holding scientific and engineering discussions on the water resource issues in the Oi River basin since April 2020, and the first meeting since April will be held on September 26.

On September 18, JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko held an opinion exchange with the chiefs of the Oigawa River basin, and expressed the idea that "we will not proceed with the construction of the linear line in Shizuoka Prefecture until we have the understanding of the local governments in the basin.

Mr. Akahane said that he would like to evaluate the situation positively and stressed the importance of carefully exchanging opinions and obtaining the understanding and cooperation of the local communities, and that he would continue to instruct JR Tokai to face the local communities with sincerity.

In response to a question about whether the exchange of opinions would have any impact on future meetings of experts, he said, "I don't think there will be any crossover with the meeting of experts that we established, which is made up of academics who discuss technical and engineering issues. He indicated that he was thinking separately from the exchange of opinions.

Info based on Japanese Media reports: https://response.jp/article/2021/09/22/349702.html Accessed: September 23, 2021.
2021-09-23_MLX yamanashi
2021-09-23_MLX yamanashi
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Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images/ゲッティイメージズ》9月18日、大井川利水関係協議会との意見交換で大井川流域での理解を得られるまでは静岡工区の工事を進めないと述べたJR東海の金子社長。写真はJR東海のリニアモーターカー。
Photo: https://response.jp/article/2021/09/22/349702.html Accessed: September 23, 2021.

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Experts to meet for first time in five months to discuss MLIT's linear construction (Shizuoka Prefecture)

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Experts to meet for first time in five months to discuss MLIT's linear construction (Shizuoka Prefecture)

On September 26, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) will hold an expert meeting for the first time in about five months to discuss the water problem in the Oi River caused by the tunnel construction for the Central Linear Railway Shinkansen.

At the last meeting on April 17, a draft of the interim report was presented, stating that "according to the model analysis, the amount of water in the Oi River can be maintained if water is returned from another construction section. In response, Vice Governor Namba expressed his displeasure, saying that he was surprised that the report did not include the prefecture's argument.

On the other hand, at a press conference on the 22nd, JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko expressed his hope that the interim report will be finalized. He hoped to come up with something that will satisfy people. President Kaneko explained that the interim report is a result of the guidance and efforts from various perspectives.

English translation and summary of a Japanese report: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/315e0 ... edd88ea935 Accessed September 25, 2021.

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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On September 26, a meeting of national experts was held for the first time in five months to discuss the water problem in the Oi River caused by the construction of the Linear-Motorcycle Shinkansen.


A number of experts on the committee commented that the most important thing is for JR Tokai to provide easy-to-understand explanations and information sharing to the local community and to gain the trust of the residents. It is expected that such expressions will be included in the draft interim report in the future.


Vice Governor Namba raised a question about JR Tokai's promise to the prefecture to return all the spring water from the tunnel to the Oi River after the excavation is completed. However, during the 10 months of digging near the prefectural border, the water cannot be returned, and 5 million tons will flow out to the Yamanashi side. It is estimated that it will take 20 years for the water to return to the Oi River.

<There are some estimates that it will take 20 years for this amount of water to return to the Oi River. Vice Governor Takashi Namba: "You said that all the water will be returned without any preconditions, so all the water will be returned during and after construction. I think that is not my understanding but the understanding of the people of the prefecture. If that explanation is disrupted, we are not in a position to have a dialogue. If they continue with that explanation, dialogue will not go any further.

<In the draft interim report, it is stated that there is no consistency with the prefectural government's proposal to return the entire amount of water, and we will consider this matter while communicating with the prefectural government and cities and towns in the basin.
 The draft interim report on the outflow of water from the prefecture states that "concrete measures should be discussed so that the prefecture and cities and towns in the basin can be convinced in the future. The expert panel hopes to finalize the interim report next time.

Summary and Translation from Japanese Media reports: https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d33b7 ... 9e7c1f977e Accessed: September 27, 2021.

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Shizuoka Governor: Do not start construction!

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Shizuoka Governor Urges Prime Minister Not to Carry Out Linear Construction

On October 4, following the nomination of Liberal Democratic Party President Fumio Kishida as prime minister, Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu commented on the issue of the failure to start construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen, saying, "I hope the government will ask JR Tokai not to start construction. With regard to measures to combat the new coronavirus, he called for "the commercialization of domestically produced vaccines and therapeutic agents as an exit strategy and the establishment of specialized facilities for infectious diseases.

In the Shizuoka construction area, the prefectural government and the construction company are facing the challenge of reducing the volume of water in the Oi River due to tunnel excavation.

https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOCC ... 1C2000000/ Accessed: October 4, 2021.

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Governor: "This is unacceptable".

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JR Tokai proposes to reduce the volume of water in the Oi River for the construction of a linear railway

Translated from Japanese Media, Nikkei.com: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO76 ... 1C2L61000/October 7, 2021

In a press conference on October 6, Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, addressed the issue of the failure to start construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen, saying, "If we can't restore the full flow of the Oi River (due to tunnel construction), then don't do this (construction)". He stressed that JR Tokai's proposal to return the same amount of water as the spring water generated by the construction work over time after the tunnel is completed is "unacceptable".

In the case of the Shizuoka section, the prefectural government is concerned about the decrease in the volume of water in the Oi River due to the construction.

Translated from Japanese Media, Nikkei.com: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO76 ... 1C2L61000/October 7, 2021

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Shizuoka Prefecture writes opinion on draft report of national expert panel on linear line issue

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Translated from Japanese Media reports
Source: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOCC ... 1A0000000/ Accessed: October 19, 2021 20:01

Shizuoka Prefecture has written an opinion on the draft of an interim report by a national expert panel discussing the decline in the volume of water in the Oi River [...] .

It said that JR Tokai's plan to return the same amount of water as the spring water generated during the construction work over time after the tunnel penetration "does not correspond to the method of returning the entire amount of spring water from the tunnel to surface water, which has been discussed as a measure to avoid the impact of the construction work," and requested the government to provide guidance.

With regard to the return of all the spring water from the tunnel, the prefectural government also pointed out that "JR Tokai does not understand the importance of the project and lacks awareness and a sense of responsibility as an operator of a project that will affect water resources and the natural environment of the Southern Alps. In addition, he stressed, "It is unacceptable for the region.

Source: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOCC ... 1A0000000/ Accessed: October 19, 2021 20:01

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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At a public debate held in early October, the focus of the discussion was on the issue of the linear maglev. Mr. Tatsunori Ibayashi, former incumbent of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said, "The draft of the interim report was presented (at a meeting of national experts). The issues have become much clearer. I hope JR Tokai will do its best to explain the project in a way that is easy for the people in the basin to understand".

 Mr. Ibayashi, who says he needs the understanding of the local community, wants to watch the national debate. On the other hand, the two opposition parties appeal for the protection of the water of the Oi River and oppose the tunnel construction outright.


<Mr. Yuki Yamaguchi, newcomer from the Communist Party of Japan: "I think it is impossible to balance the securing of water resources and a maglev. I think it is natural to stop construction. I think it is essential to review the forecast of profitable demand, as construction will be prolonged and construction costs will increase, and a national debate is necessary.

 The maglev line project can be called a "national policy," but how to protect the water of the Oi River, which supports the lives and industries of the basin, is a major theme that will be the focus of attention in the three-way election campaign.

Summary of a Yahoo Japan Media Report https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/90c63 ... 1f22dd0383 Accessed: October 22, 2021

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"no compromise on water quality and quantity"

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Oi River basin leaders appeal for "no compromise on water quality and quantity" and "non-negotiable return of all spring water" in meeting with JR president

 The Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) has released the minutes of the first meeting between President Shin Kaneko and the leaders of the cities and towns along the Oigawa River in September regarding the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Minami-Alps Tunnel for the Central Linear Shinkansen, which has not yet begun. One of the leaders said, "We are very sensitive to water issues because we receive 90% of our water for daily use from the Oigawa River. If the water becomes muddy or the volume decreases, we will not be satisfied. We are not thinking of compromising on water quality or quantity," he said, and the summary of the meeting confirmed that he conveyed the local community's strong desire for the water of the Oi River, which is described as the water of life. Hideyuki Yamada

 The first meeting took place on September 18 at a hotel in Shizuoka City. It was attended by the mayors and mayors of nine cities and towns: Shimada, Kakegawa, Fujieda, Fukuroi, Omaezaki, Kikukawa, Makinohara, Yoshida, and Kawanehon. Mayor Hiromichi Nakano of Yaizu City, who was absent, submitted his written opinion later.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun 2021/11/4 Local Edition. https://mainichi.jp/articles/20211104/d ... 20/091000c Accessed: 2021-11-3
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JR's environmental assessment inadequate for water problem

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JR's environmental assessment inadequate for water problem (?)

Regarding the water problem in the Oi River caused by the construction of the Central Linear Railway, Vice Governor Takashi Namba pointed out that JR Tokai's initial assessment of the environmental impact of the project was inadequate, and clarified his view that JR's current stance would not gain the understanding of the watershed. [...]

Mr. Namba said that JR did not make sufficient efforts to avoid or reduce the environmental impact of its assessment at that time. He cited as the basis for this the fact that JR, after compiling the assessment report, explained the possibility that the groundwater level in the upper basin of the Oi River would drop by more than 300 meters and that the habitat and growth environment of plants and animals would be greatly changed due to the decrease and depletion of water flow.

 He also noted that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel studying the impact of the project on water use has been discussing the issue for 18 months and has yet to reach a conclusion, saying, "The prolonged discussion proves that JR Tokai's initial assessment was inadequate. This is the root cause of the lack of progress in dialogue with the prefecture," he said. [...] he asked JR to "fully understand the concerns and worries of the local community and make sincere efforts to provide logic and explanations that can be understood by the people of the prefecture and the local community.

Source: Translated from Yahhoo Japan https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f0f70 ... 1295204378 Tuesday, December 7, 2021

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14 sites for the disposal of soil from the Maglev construction

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On December 22, the chiefs of 16 municipalities involved in the construction of the linear railway line and JR Tokai executives exchanged opinions at the Iida Joint Government Building in Iida City on March 22. JR Tokai requested that they find a place to use the "soil requiring countermeasures" generated by the tunnel construction, which requires countermeasures against contamination, in public projects. In an interview after the meeting, Ken Sato, mayor of Iida City, said, "Utilization of soil requiring countermeasures is a difficult issue," and that he would bring it up for consideration.

 The meeting was closed to the public except for the beginning. JR Vice President Yuzuru Uno explained, "In Nagano Prefecture, there are maintenance bases and substations, but the volume is not that large.

 He explained that a total of 14 sites for the disposal of residual soil generated from the linear railway construction have been decided in Iida City, Takaki Village, Toyooka Village, Oshika Village, Ina City, Takamori Town, and Nakagawa Village. The company is currently coordinating with related organizations and local landowners for about 30 candidate sites, including those to be used for public projects, and Vice President Uno said that 90% of the land for disposal of residual soil can be secured.

 On the 6th of this month, the "advanced tunnel" (about 160 meters), which will be excavated in parallel with the main tunnel to check the geology and water flow, was penetrated between Kashibukawa and Kamazawa emergency exits in the Nagano section of the Southern Alps. The "advanced pit" (about 160 meters), which is being dug in parallel with the main pit to monitor the geology and water flow, was penetrated. The number of construction vehicles is expected to increase as construction work gets into full swing, and we will proceed safely while placing importance on discussions with the local community.

 As for the Nagano Prefectural Station (tentative name, 950 meters in length) to be constructed at Zakoji in Kamigo Iinuma, Iida City, "We will proceed with the acquisition of land and hold a briefing session on the construction. We are aiming to start preparatory work by the end of fiscal year 2012.

 The contract for the construction of the linear railway station was signed in June with Shimizu Corporation (Tokyo). After holding a briefing session on the construction work, we will start the preparatory work including the construction of the yard and the replacement of the road canals such as the Ryusei Integrated Waterway and the Shintogawa River, with a target completion date of the end of March 2026. The target completion date is the end of March 2026.

English summary of a Japanese Media report in https://minamishinshu.jp/news/linear/%E ... 81%AE.html Accessed: 2021-12-24

2021-12-24_Maglev Meeting
2021-12-24_Maglev Meeting
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Photo: https://minamishinshu.jp/news/linear/%E ... 81%AE.html Accessed: 2021-12-24
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Shizuoka Prefecture and mayors of the basin exchange opinions on the interim report on the linear railway

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Shizuoka Prefecture and mayors of the basin exchange opinions on the interim report on the linear railway

On [2022, January] the 20th, Shizuoka Prefecture exchanged opinions with the leaders of municipalities along the Oigawa River, who are concerned about the impact of the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Central Linear Shinkansen, which is still under construction, in relation to the interim report compiled last December by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel. We exchanged opinions with the leaders of the Oi River basin municipalities who are concerned about the impact of the construction. The purpose of the meeting was to accurately understand the contents of the report and to share awareness.

The leaders of 10 cities and towns in the basin, including Shimada City, and representatives of water utilization organizations attended the meeting.

The interim report pointed out that if the spring water from the tunnel excavation is returned to the Oi River, the flow rate in the middle and lower reaches will be maintained and the impact on groundwater will be extremely small. The prefectural government will continue to study the issue in its own special committee, saying that the discussion has not been exhaustive.

Discussions between JR Tokai and the prefectural government, which opposes the start of construction, have stalled over the Shizuoka section of the project, and it is inevitable that the opening of the line in 2027, as originally planned, will be postponed. In December last year, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tetsuo Saito orally instructed the company's president to try to dispel local concerns.

Source: Translation of Japanese Media reports, based on https://www.iza.ne.jp/article/20220120- ... LJ5BNKMQQ/ Accessed: 2022-01-20

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Shizuoka Prefecture refuses to approve linear maglev construction

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Shizuoka Prefecture refuses to approve linear maglev construction

"The interim report is insufficient."

Shizuoka Prefecture said on Wednesday that it cannot approve the construction of the Shizuoka section of the central linear line Shinkansen line under the current circumstances because there has not been enough discussion on the issue of the flow rate of the Oi River in the interim report compiled last December by an expert panel of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Vice Governor Takashi Namba stressed this at an exchange of opinions with the heads of municipalities in the Oi River basin who are concerned about the impact of the construction. The meeting was attended by the heads of 10 cities and towns in the basin, including Shimada City, and representatives of water utilization organizations. Mr. Namba gave an overview of the report, pointing out that "no solution has been presented to return the entire amount of spring water generated by the tunnel excavation".

Translated from Japanese. Based on Kyodo Media report https://nordot.app/856744444043476992?c ... 1839462401 Acccessed on 2022-01-20.
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Shizuoka: No, we cannot start the tunnel construction

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Shizuoka Prefecture refuses to approve construction of linear line to JR Tokai and the national government  

On January 26, the Shizuoka prefectural government issued a statement to JR Tokai and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), saying that the prefecture is not in a position to approve the construction of the Shizuoka section of the linear central shinkansen line.

The opinion pointed out that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel's interim report on the Oigawa River's flow problem, which was compiled in December last year, was "inadequate in its discussion because it does not provide a solution on how to return the entire amount of spring water from the tunnel.

 The report also stressed the lack of discussion on the impact on water quality and the disposal method of soil generated from the excavation, and called on JR Tokai to show how to return all the spring water and how to reduce the impact on the ecosystem as soon as possible. The Shizuoka prefectural government wrote: "We ask JR Tokai to be fully aware of the fact that we cannot start the tunnel construction".

Source: https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/156517 based on Kyodo News Accessed January 26, 2022,
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Shimada mayor urges JR to build trust

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Shimada mayor urges JR to build trust / Shizuoka

 At a regular press conference on February 1, Kinuyo Someya, mayor of Shimada City, one of the 10 cities and towns in the Oigawa River basin, spoke about the upcoming talks between the prefectural government and JR Central, saying, "It will take some time. It will take three or four years," he said. With regard to the water problem of the Oi River, where there are concerns about a decrease in flow and deterioration of water quality, he said, "I hope that people will dispel their distrust and anxiety. A careful explanation is necessary".

 He also complained about JR Tokai, saying, "There is no trust between JR and the cities and towns along the river basin, which is why there is so much trouble. I would like to confirm whether JR has the attitude to face the local community or whether its culture and constitution have changed," he pointed out.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220203/d ... 20/169000c Accessed 2022-02-02
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Impacts of JR Maglev on Shizuoka (research project)

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Impacts of JR Maglev on Shizuoka (research project)

Shizuoka City is conducting a study on the impacts of the opening of the Shizuoka section of the Minami-Alps Tunnel on the Central Linear Shinkansen Line, which has not yet begun construction. However, even after an expert panel of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism spent 18 months compiling an interim report on the water problems of the Oi River, the concerns of residents in the basin about the deterioration of the flow and quality of water have not been dispelled. The postponement of the planned opening of the railroad between Shinagawa, Tokyo and Nagoya in 2027 is certain.

 The city of Shizuoka and the Japan Institute for Local Government (JILG) have agreed that the opening of a new railway line between Tokyo and Nagoya will affect the flow of people, goods, money and information in the country in various ways. On January 31, a study committee (chaired by Kento Murayama, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Business) on predicting the impact of the opening of the linear railway, jointly organized by Shizuoka City and the Local Government Research Institute, presented a draft report.
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Photo: Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220205/k ... 20/086000c Accessed 2022-02-05

 The draft report cites the accessibility of the area from the Tokyo metropolitan area as an example of the impact. Shizuoka City is only about an hour away from Tokyo on the Tokaido Shinkansen, but there will be no station for the linear railway. After the opening of the linear line, it will be possible to travel within an hour to Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, and Aichi prefectures that will have stations. Shizuoka City's advantage is expected to be relatively low.

 As the center of the domestic economy shifts to the linear line, there are concerns about a "straw effect" in which the economic activities of local areas will be siphoned off to the metropolitan areas, weakening them. [...]

 The committee was also presented with a document that compared the urban development of Kanagawa, Yamanashi, Nagano, and Gifu, where intermediate stations will be built, with that of Shizuoka City. The consulting firm that compiled the data analyzed that "Kanagawa Station is more of a bedroom community for the Tokyo metropolitan area and has a different urban character from Shizuoka City," and that "Yamanashi, Nagano, and Gifu Stations are considering new urban development around the station because the linear line station and the current city center are far apart. Shizuoka City, where the Tokaido Shinkansen station and the city center are located at the same point, was evaluated as having a higher locational advantage as a place for economic activities and daily life than the area around the intermediate station of the linear line.

 The draft report proposes the use of the city's unique character, history, traditions, and culture, and the establishment of specialties and places of interest in order to distinguish Shizuoka City from the intermediate station for the linear line.

 It also pointed out the possibility of increasing the number of Hikari and Kodama trains stopping at Shizuoka Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line after the opening of the linear line. It estimates that the number of trains that will run on the linear line will be 156 per day. If 32 of the 188 Nozomi trains (as of September 2020) that will not be converted to linear trains are converted to Hikari and Kodama trains, the number of Hikari trains will increase from 37 to 48 and Kodama trains from 71 to 92.

 If all 188 Nozomi trains are shifted to Hikari and Kodama, the transportation capacity is expected to increase up to 2.7 times. However, the number of passengers on the Shinkansen is affected by social and economic conditions, just as the number of passengers on the Tokaido Shinkansen was drastically reduced due to the spread of the new coronavirus.

 At a regular press conference in October, Governor Heita Kawakatsu stated that there is no promise between the prefecture and JR Tokai to increase the number of Hikari and Kodama trains stopping at Shizuoka Station after the opening of the linear line. Referring to the new Corona and the power supply situation, he said, "The situation is very severe. The Nozomi (function) will be transferred to Linear. It is no longer an easy thing to say that Hikari and Kodama will take center stage," he said.

 The draft report also introduces the results of interviews with companies, universities, and immigration support groups that have business bases in the city. Among the weaknesses of Shizuoka City were the creation of a system for lodging and staying in the city, access to the airport, traffic congestion, maintenance of roads and public transportation, and an environment that makes it easy for young people to find jobs.

Reflecting the opinions of the committee members, Shizuoka City will compile and publish a report in mid-March 2022.

Source: Translated from Japanese: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220205/k ... 20/086000c Accessed 2022-02-05

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JR Tokai to strengthen Shizuoka system to start construction of Linear Maglev

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JR Tokai to strengthen Shizuoka system to start construction of Linear Maglev

On the 17th, JR Tokai announced that it will strengthen the structure of its Shizuoka branch office in order to start construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen at an early date. The company hopes to deepen dialogue with local governments and residents along the line, including Shizuoka Prefecture, who oppose the start of construction, and gain their understanding. At a press conference in Tokyo, President Shin Kaneko said, "We want to dispel concerns through two-way communication with the local community. The company explained that under the new structure, it will strengthen its response to opinions and requests, including those for conventional lines.

Discussions over the start of construction of the Shizuoka section have not progressed with Shizuoka Prefecture, which is concerned about the impact on water resources and ecosystems, and the opening of the Tokyo/Shinagawa-Nagoya line is likely to be postponed. At a press conference in January, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Tetsuo Saito said, "We will continue to guide JR Tokai so that it can earnestly face the people of Shizuoka Prefecture and the cities and towns in the basin and gain their understanding and cooperation.

Source: Translated info from Sankei News: https://www.iza.ne.jp/article/20220217- ... 3DXUL7THY/ Feb. 17, 2022 17:40

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JR Tokai to strengthen its response to opinions and requests

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On February 17, JR Tokai announced that it would strengthen the structure of its Shizuoka branch in order to start construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen at an early date. At a press conference in Tokyo, President Shin Kaneko said, "We want to dispel concerns through two-way communication with the local community.

 Minoru Hiranaga, 54, will assume the post of deputy branch manager. Minoru Hiranaga, 54, has worked for a long time in the railway maintenance department and has been serving as the Nagano construction office manager of the Central Shinkansen Promotion Division since July 2017. The company has also placed a section chief in charge of the branch office's Administration Department's General Affairs Section. The company explains that the new structure will also strengthen its response to opinions and requests, including those for conventional lines.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220219/d ... 20/151000c Accessed: 2022-02-19

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The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Yoshida mayor fears withdrawal of businesses due to impact of groundwater contamination

 Norihiko Tamura, mayor of Yoshida Town, one of the 10 cities and towns in the Oigawa River basin, said at a regular press conference on February 21 that groundwater is a lifeline. He also mentioned the possibility that companies in the town, which use a large amount of groundwater, would withdraw from the area if groundwater is affected by the construction, and expressed his sense of crisis, saying, "If groundwater is lost, the life of Yoshida Town will be lost.

 Regarding the important discussions between the prefectural government and JR Tokai, Mayor Tamura said, "The 10 cities and towns have the prefectural government as their contact point. JR has never disclosed any information to the public. We can't put all our trust in them. "We will not negotiate directly with JR," he said, pointing out the lack of trust of local governments in JR.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun 2022/2/22 https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220222/d ... 20/185000c Accessed: 2022-02-21

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Did JR Tokai ignore Shizuoka's arguments during route planning?

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Did JR Tokai ignore Shizuoka's arguments during route planning?
2022-03-19_Maglev Water Oi
2022-03-19_Maglev Water Oi
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Chart of projected decline in groundwater level 20 years after tunnel excavation is completed, based on JR Tokai's assumptions.
Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1041683.html Accessed: 2022-03-19

In June 2011, when JR was in the process of narrowing down the route, the width of the river was A rough route of 3 km was shown. Immediately after this, the city submitted a written opinion to JR, stating that "Although it appears to cross the Oi River near the confluence of the Higashimata and Nishimata Rivers, this plan could place a heavy burden on both the Higashimata and Nishimata Rivers of the Oi River," and that shifting the route downstream of the confluence would reduce the impact. The company pointed out that this would be possible.

 In response, in September of the same year, JR stated in a public document, "The section in question is planned to be passed through a tunnel, so the impact on the ground surface will be small. In September 2001, JR decided on a route that would pass through the confluence, but the groundwater level near the confluence was estimated to be 100 to 300 feet below the surface. It was not until July 2008 that the forecast of a 200 meter drop was made public.

 A city official stated, "I am not sure of the circumstances at the time (when the route was selected), but it can be taken as meaning that JR did not change the route (in response to the city's written opinion).

Info based on: Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1041683.html Accessed: 2022-03-19

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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JR Tokai's recognition of the "large amount of spring water" upstream when selecting the route was not specified in the environmental considerations document, and the route was rerouted in Yamanashi [Oigawa River and the Linear Line].

JR Tokai, the main operator of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, published an environmental impact assessment (assessment) report on the selection of the route. In an interview with the company, it was learned that the company was aware of the possibility of large water inflows in the upper reaches of the Oigawa River at the time of the construction of the project. The same consideration document stated that there was a risk of high pressure water gushing into the section in Yamanashi Prefecture, and that the route was avoided because of the possibility of water inflow.

It can be said that JR was aware of the fear of water inflow in both prefectures, but reflected this in its route selection differently. The consistency of the response is likely to be questioned.

 The "Consideration Sheet" was prepared at the stage of narrowing down the 25-km wide route strip to a 3-km wide rough route. The route in Yamanashi Prefecture takes a large detour to the south near the Geoma Mountains on the west side of the Kofu Basin and extends into the upper reaches of the Oigawa River, and JR stated on its website that "the geology is fragile, the soil cover (tunnel depth) is large, and there is a possibility that the tunnel could be damaged. The route in the north-central part of the Gima Mountains was avoided because of the possibility of water inflow," he wrote.
 On the other hand, the upper reaches of the Oigawa River were described as "fragile and vulnerable" and "covered with large amounts of soil," and although the description was similar to that of the northern central part of the Geoma Mountains, it was stated that "the impact on the ground surface due to water inflow in the tunnel is small. There is no indication that the route selection process was evasive.

 JR answered in a written response to our interview that the basis for the description of the Gima Mountains in the consideration document was "based on the results of topographical and geological surveys that have been conducted since the days of Japan National Railways. JR answered, "We were aware that there was a risk of large water inflow in the upper reaches of the Oigawa River," and when asked if the route selection was made from the viewpoint of protecting the water resources of the Oigawa River, he replied, "As stated in the letter of consideration. I cannot answer any more than that.

 A prefectural government official asked, "Why didn't you include the possibility of large water inflows on the Oita side in the letter of consideration, even though you were aware of the possibility of large water inflows? If the information that is known is not clarified at that time, it will lead to a sense of distrust in the basin".

 JR commissioned a geological survey company to prepare a document stating that there was a possibility of high-pressure massive water inflow directly under the Oigawa River, but the document was only partially disclosed and not made public.

Info by Hironori Ohashi, Political Department: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1045090.html Accessed: 2022-03-27

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[JP] JR Tokai should decide, says Japanese Ministry

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JR Tokai should make the decision.

Mar. 31, 10:51 a.m.

On March 30, the national government responded to the concerns expressed by Shizuoka Prefecture's expert committee regarding the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, which Shizuoka Prefecture has not approved the start of construction.

The government reiterated its previous position that "JR Tokai should decide" on the "total return" of all water flowing into the tunnel, which Shizuoka Prefecture had pointed out was still unresolved.

Last year, an expert panel of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism compiled an interim report on the Linear Central Shinkansen project, which stated that the adverse impact on water resources, which Shizuoka Prefecture is concerned about, would be controlled.
On March 30, the expert panel of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism responded to these comments.

In response, Shizuoka Prefecture pointed out that there was no concrete plan to return all the water that flowed out of the tunnel, including during excavation, and that this was still unresolved, while the national government reiterated that the amount of water in the river would be maintained even if water flowed out of the prefecture, and added, "We are not sure if JR Tokai will be able to return all the water to the tunnel. The company responded that it should communicate with the local community and determine the measures to be taken.

In response to Shizuoka Prefecture's comment that monitoring procedures to confirm that the construction work is progressing properly have not been provided, the national government responded, "We recognize that JR Tokai will decide on the monitoring plan, including specific procedures. The company reiterated its view that the company's business is to provide the highest quality products and services to its customers.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) will continue to provide guidance to JR Tokai to ensure smooth discussions with the local community.

Source: Translation of Japanese State Media NHK: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 15470.html Accessed 31.03.2022

Screenshot NHK: Aerial view of the Oi River in the area of the planned Maglev tunnel
2022-03-31_NHK Screenshot Oi River
2022-03-31_NHK Screenshot Oi River

Source: NHK: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 15470.html Accessed 31.03.2022

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[JP] Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Discussions between Shizuoka Prefecture and JR Tokai over the impact on the natural ecosystem of the Southern Alps, in addition to the declining water volume of the Oigawa River and construction debris problems, are in full swing. At a meeting held last month, JR Tokai presented a new proposal and expressed confidence that a study to be conducted soon will dispel some of the concerns. The question is to what extent the tunnel construction will avoid any adverse effects on alpine flora and the life forms in the headwaters of the mountain streams caused by the lowering of the groundwater level. The study, which is a prerequisite for whether the prefectural government will allow construction to begin, is nearing its final stage.

The focus of the March 24 meeting was on whether JR Tokai could "show how to avoid or reduce the reduction of stream flow. In response to the prefectural committee members' criticism that JR Tokai was referring to the compensatory measure of transplantation without fully considering how to avoid or reduce the adverse effects, JR Tokai stated that it would prepare a "stream chart" for each stream and conduct monitoring, and that if a downward trend in stream flow is observed, it would strengthen chemical injection during tunnel excavation to reduce the risk of stream flow loss by reducing the amount of chemicals used in tunnel excavation. The company has newly indicated a policy to control water spewing into the interior of the building.

The environmental impact assessment (environmental assessment) procedure for the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen between Tokyo and Nagoya was completed in August 2014. However, the prediction that the groundwater level would drop by up to 300 meters after 20 years of tunnel excavation was first revealed in July 2020, according to data submitted by JR Tokai to a national expert panel.

The members of the prefectural technical committee continued to ask questions about scientific and statistical methods of determination, but JR Tokai expressed confidence, saying, "We believe that we can determine whether surface water and deep groundwater are connected or not.

After the March meeting, Vice Governor Takashi Namba of Shizuoka Prefecture commented, "JR Tokai's explanation is easy to understand, and they have changed their attitude to face the problem head-on and consider countermeasures without hiding. He also said, "Whether it will be effective or not will be a matter for further discussion.

In addition to the impact on biodiversity and natural ecosystems, another subcommittee will meet this month to discuss the impact on water resources, including the amount of water in the Oi River.

According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, they plan to have experts in biodiversity and natural ecosystem conservation participate in the national expert panel to begin discussions.

Info based on https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/579828 Accessed 2022-04-09

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[JP] Shizuoka and JR Tokai resume talks after almost 2 years

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Shizuoka and JR Tokai resume talks after almost 2 years

K10013600671_2204261913_0426192843_01_02[1].jpg (33.25 KiB) Viewed 1715277 times
Photo: NHK https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202204 ... _01_02.jpg Accessed on April 27, 2022.

Direct talks between Shizuoka Prefecture have resumed for the first time in almost two years. During the talks, JR Tokai proposed new measures to reduce the impact of the construction on water resources. Shizuoka Prefecture has refused to allow JR Tokai to begin construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen line in the prefecture, citing concerns that the underground tunnel construction will reduce the amount of water in the Oi River. In addition to the previously discussed method of pumping up water from construction work in Yamanashi Prefecture and returning it to the Oi River in place of the runoff, JR Tokai, with the cooperation of Tokyo Electric Power Company, proposed a new measure to control the amount of water taken from the river by dams upstream of the Oi River for hydroelectric power generation.

Info based on NHK Japan https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202204 ... 71000.html Accessed on April 27, 2022.
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[JP] Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem nearing a solution?

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 On April 28, Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, expressed his negative view of JR Tokai's proposal to return the spring water that flows into the Yamanashi Prefecture side of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line to the Oigawa River. Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, told reporters on March 28 that he was negative about JR Tokai's proposal. The presentation of a detailed proposal had been expected to advance the start of construction, but the situation has once again become uncertain.

The proposal centered on reducing the amount of water taken for power generation at the Tashiro Dam, a subsidiary of TEPCO Holdings, located upstream on the Oigawa River, by the same amount as the spring water that flowed into the Yamanashi Prefecture side. Governor Kawakatsu said, "You are taking away people's water rights. It is outrageous to ask a stranger to come in and give us water.

JR Tokai's proposal to pump the water back in after the advanced wells had been dug was also rejected on the grounds of water quality and other factors. He stated that "total return means returning all of the water that comes out during excavation.

On the other hand, the mayors of the cities and towns in the Oigawa River basin have voiced their appreciation of JR Tokai's proposal.

Someya Kinuyo, mayor of Shimada City, commented, "It is the first step toward a breakthrough in policy discussions.
Hiromichi Nakano, mayor of Yaizu City, stated, "I appreciate it.
Governor Kotaro Nagasaki of Yamanashi Prefecture, to which the Shizuoka construction area's spring water will be discharged, said "I have a feeling that Shizuoka Prefecture will be convinced and this will be the first step toward a solution.
Aichi Prefecture Governor Hideaki Omura said, "I greatly appreciate the proposal. I strongly urge that construction of the entire line begin as soon as possible.

Info based on https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20220429-OYT1T50106/ Accessed: 2022-04-29
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[JP] Shizuoka Governor Criticizes JR for New Proposal

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Governor Criticizes JR for New Proposal / Shizuoka

 On April 28, Governor Heita Kawakatsu criticized JR Tokai's new proposal to return the spring water that flows out of the prefecture during construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, which has not yet been started, to the Oigawa River. It is completely out of line. He maintained his stance of not approving the start of construction.

Info based on Mainichi Shimbun 2022/4/29 https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220429/d ... 20/121000c Accessed 2022-04-29

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[JP] Shizuoka: JR's Environmental Impact Assessment Insufficient?

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JR's Environmental Impact Assessment Insufficient?

Mitsuki Watanabe, a counselor at the prefectural government's Department of Living Environment, explained the problems surrounding the South Alps Tunnel in Shizuoka City, where construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line has not yet begun. He expressed concern about the negative impact on rare flora and fauna, which are numerous in the Southern Alps where the tunnel is to be excavated.

The lecture was held on April 24 as a study session of the citizens' group "Association to Promote 620,000 People's Movement to Protect the Water of Oigawa River" (Representative: Etsuyo Aoshima, Yaizu City Council member).

Mr. Watanabe cited as the reason for the inadequacy of the environmental impact assessment the fact that JR's explanation differed between the time when the assessment report was compiled and more recently. The evaluation report predicted that "the habitat environment for important fish species will be preserved," but the explanation given at a meeting of the prefectural government's expert committee on biodiversity changed to "there is a possibility that the habitat and growth environment for animals and plants will be affected.

 In December 2021, an expert panel established by MLIT to scientifically and engineeringly verify the discussions between the prefectural government and JR regarding the Shizuoka construction zone compiled an interim report on the water problem in the Oigawa River. Following the water issue, MLIT intends to discuss the issue of biodiversity conservation in the Southern Alps at the experts' meeting.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220508/k ... 40/180000c Accessed 2022-05-09
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[JP] JR Tokai President: "We hope you will understand"

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JR Tokai President: "We hope you will understand" the proposed new measures for linear construction in Shizuoka 

 JR Tokai President Shin Kaneko said at a regular press conference on November 16, "Governor Heita Kawakatsu expressed his negative opinion about the new countermeasure plan presented last month, but it seems that he does not reject the discussion, so we would like to gain his understanding through the prefectural government's expert committee.

 The company announced two proposals, including new measures to supplement the river's water supply by restricting water intake from the TEPCO-affiliated Tashiro Dam upstream on the Oigawa River. Governor Kawakatsu had criticized the company for this plan.

 JR Tokai President Kaneko said, "The two proposals would return the same amount of water as that which is flowing out. We would like to return to the objective of resolving the concerns of the local residents and ask for their understanding.

Source: https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/471482?rct=national Accessed May 17, 2022

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[JP] Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu Meets with Nakatsugawa Mayor on Linear Maglev issue

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Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu Meets with Nakatsugawa Mayor on Linear Maglev issue

Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, who has not approved the start of construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, met on June 1st with the mayor of Nakatsugawa City, where construction of a rail yard is underway, and announced his intention to apply for membership in an alliance to promote linear construction formed by Yamanashi, Aichi, and other local governments along the line.

This was the first time for Governor Kawakatsu to meet with a mayor of a prefecture along the Shinkansen route, and the meeting was held behind closed doors.

After the meeting, Governor Kawakatsu spoke to the press about his visit, saying, "Nakatsugawa City is a town that has the potential to rise in prestige with the passage of the linear rail line. I explained that Shizuoka Prefecture must protect the nature and water of the Southern Alps, but that we are not opposed to the opening of the Linear Linear project. He also announced that he would soon apply for membership in the "Alliance to Promote the Construction of the Linear Shinkansen" formed by local governments along the line, including Aichi and Yamanashi prefectures.

Meanwhile, Mayor Aoyama of Nakatsugawa City commented on Shizuoka Prefecture's refusal to approve the start of construction, saying, "I think there are many cases where it is difficult to solve 100% of the issues. However, we have informed Governor Kawakatsu that we are continuing discussions with JR Tokai and the prefecture to move forward to the next stage while conveying our hopes".

Info based on NHK https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/gifu/20220 ... 08978.html Accessed 2022-0602

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[JP] Shizuoka Governor Submits Application to Join Linear Promotion Alliance, Chubu Governors' Conference

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Shizuoka Governor Submits Application to Join Linear Promotion Alliance, Chubu Governors' Conference

On June 2, Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, announced his intention to join the Alliance to Promote the Construction of the Linear Central Japan High Speed Rail, which includes local governments along the Linear Central Japan High Speed Rail, and submitted an application to Hideaki Omura, governor of Aichi Prefecture, who serves as chairman.
The Shizuoka construction section, which passes under the Southern Alps, is opposed to the start of construction because of the possibility of a decrease in the amount of water in the Oi River, which flows through the prefecture. We want to resolve the water problem with the cooperation of the national government. We want to make the discussion transparent," he said.

Info based on https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOFD ... 0C2000000/ June 2, 2022

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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 At a meeting of governors of the Chubu region held in Taki Town, Mie Prefecture, on February 2, Heita Kawakatsu, governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, announced his intention to join the "Alliance for the Promotion of the Linear Central Shinkansen Construction Project," which consists of nine prefectures along the Linear Shinkansen Line, excluding Shizuoka Prefecture. What was the intention of this sudden offer by the governor, who had strongly refused to start construction of the Shizuoka construction zone? The atmosphere at the meeting was one of bewilderment, and the alliance is likely to have a difficult time responding to the governor's request.

 The governor's intention is to promote the project," said the president of the alliance at the meeting. I would like to firmly state to the president of the alliance at this meeting that we would like to become a member.

It was about an hour after the meeting began that Governor Kawakatsu began to speak, when the agenda turned to the "early development of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line.
 The chairman of the Alliance, Governor Hideaki Omura of Aichi Prefecture, said, "This is 'construction promotion. I would like to confirm in writing whether you agree with this purpose and consult with all members of the Alliance.

 Immediately after the break, however, Governor Kawakatsu suddenly stood up, approached Governor Omura, and handed him the document he had prepared. The document, which the perplexed Governor Omura received, read, "I would like to reiterate that the prefecture's basic stance is to promote the development of the project.

Source: Based on https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/482338 Accessed 2022-06-03

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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JR Tokai has presented a proposal to the prefectural experts' committee on the issue of tunnel spring water flowing out of Shizuoka Prefecture during the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, and has proposed a countermeasure to "offset" the outflow by reducing the amount of water taken from the Oigawa River at TEPCO's Tashiro Dam. However, with the Oigawa River's flow expected to decrease due to the tunnel construction, those involved are skeptical that there is enough water to return to the river in the event of a drought.

 TEPCO does not disclose the Oi River flow rate at the Tashiro Dam, but according to the data presented by TEPCO to the parties concerned at the Oi River Water Conservancy Flow Adjustment Council, which is discussed at the time of water right renewal, the river flow rate for the 10-year period from 1991 to 2000 was 1,290,000 m3/year. Since the Tashiro Dam requires at least 1.62 tons per second of water intake to prevent pipes from freezing, if the river flow rate falls below 2.05 tons per second, TEPCO will be forced to transfer the dam to JR Tokai. If the river flow rate falls below 2.05 tons per second, there will be no water in the Tashiro Dam for TEPCO to cede to JR Tokai.

 Assuming the river flow data from 1991 to 2000, there is a growing concern that the river flow will fall below 2.05 tons per second in the winter. JR Tokai has explained that "theoretically, the dam can handle drought conditions" (at the April 26 prefectural experts' meeting), but has not provided any basis for this explanation.

Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1076177.html Accessed 2022-05-06

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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 In a regular press conference held on June 10 regarding the issue of the unlaunched construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen, Kanagawa Prefecture Governor Yuji Kuroiwa stressed, "I hope that the project will be started as soon as possible along the current route.

 Governor Kuroiwa commented on Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu's application to join the construction promotion alliance consisting of nine prefectures along the route, saying, "There are many unclear points about what Governor Kawakatsu thinks about early construction on the current route. First of all, it is necessary to confirm this as an alliance. He added, "A change in route would mean that everything that has been built up with the local residents would be wiped out, so we must avoid this.

Source: Based on https://www.kanaloco.jp/news/government ... 16504.html Accessed 2022-06-11

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[JP] Aichi Governor Omura: "I want to confirm Shizuoka's intention for Maglev"

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Aichi Governor Omura: "I want to confirm Shizuoka's intention for Maglev"

June 16, 19:45

At a press conference, Governor Omura of Aichi Prefecture stated that "the opinions of the prefectures along the Linear Line were generally in favor of the Linear Shinkansen". He added that there were opinions that the construction should be carried out on the present route.

At a press conference on March 16, Governor Omura stated, "We asked the opinions of the eight prefectures along the line, and they were generally in favor of Shizuoka Prefecture joining the alliance.
Governor Omura then stated, "We are planning to promote the development of the current route, and we are also planning to open the line to Nagoya in 2027, and to open the entire line to Osaka in 2037. Governor Omura stated, "There was also a view that if the goal is to promote the current route and achieve the goal of opening the entire line to Nagoya by 2027 and to Osaka by 2037, then we would be in favor of the project. We need to confirm Shizuoka Prefecture's intentions," he said, indicating that he would like to confirm Shizuoka Prefecture's intentions in writing in the near future.

Info based on: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/tokai-news/20220 ... 23126.html Accessed: 2022-06-16

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[JP] Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture Criticizes MLIT for Lack of Leadership

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Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture Criticizes MLIT for Lack of Leadership

Governor Heita Kawakatsu sharply criticized the MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) over the operation of the Expert Panel on Linear Systems at the prefectural office on June 15, 2022.

The MLIT's expert panel has not met for about six months since December 2021, when it compiled an interim report on the Oigawa River's water problems. Because the Shizuoka construction section will build a tunnel in the Southern Alps, which is home to rare plants and animals, the prefecture has repeatedly asked MLIT to discuss the impact on the ecosystem. On May 28, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the establishment of an expert panel on environmental preservation in an effort to achieve an early opening of the tunnel.

But the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's new panel of experts on the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line is now already showing signs of a troubled future. Governor Heita Kawakatsu is increasingly critical of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism for the operation of the expert panel.

Info based on: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220627/d ... 20/086000c Accessed: 2022-06-27

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[JP] Shizuoka Prefecture to Join Alliance to Promote Maglev Construction

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Aichi Governor, Chairman of Linear "Alliance", Considers Allowing Shizuoka Prefecture to Join

June 29, 21:35

Regarding the request by Shizuoka Prefecture, which has not approved the start of construction of the Linear Central Japan High Speed Rail, to join the "Alliance to Promote Construction," Aichi Prefecture Governor Omura announced at a press conference today that he intends to allow Shizuoka Prefecture to join the alliance, on the grounds that the prefecture has agreed to continue the construction of the line along its current route.

While Shizuoka Prefecture has not approved the start of construction of the Linear Shinkansen due to concerns about environmental impact, Governor Kawakatsu submitted an application to join the "Alliance to Promote the Construction of the Linear Shinkansen" on the 2nd of this month.
Regarding this matter, Aichi Governor Omura, who serves as the chairman of the "Alliance," said at a press conference on March 29 that he had received a letter from Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu stating that, based on the premise that the current route would be developed, the construction of the line would be completed by 2037, and that it would be completed by 2037. The governor of Aichi Prefecture, who is the chairman of the "Alliance", revealed that he received a response from the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, Kawakatsu, who agreed to the following two goals The Governor then stated that the Governor had agreed with the plan.

Governor Omura then stated, "We would like Shizuoka Prefecture to join as the 10th member. We would be grateful if we could work on the development of the Linear Central Shinkansen in the same direction," and revealed his intention to allow Shizuoka Prefecture to join.
Governor Omura also indicated that he would make a written inquiry to the eight prefectures along the Linear Line as to whether or not Shizuoka Prefecture should be admitted as a member.

Source: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 16388.html Accessed 2022-06-30

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[JP] ... formal decision soon?

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Prefectures along the Linear Line to Approve Shizuoka's Membership to the Alliance for the Establishment of a Linear Linear Railway

 At a press conference held on July 30, Aichi Prefecture Governor Hideaki Omura, who chairs the Alliance for the Promotion of the Linear Central Japan High Speed Rail Construction Project, announced that several member prefectures have given their approval to Shizuoka Prefecture Governor Heita Kawakatsu's application to join the alliance.

Info based on: Shinano Mainichi Newspaper, July 1, 2022 11:15. Accessed 2022-07-01

Mr. Omura said, "We are in the final confirmation stage, but I think everyone will agree that there are no objections," indicating that he intends to make a formal decision soon.

Text based on: https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/ ... 2070100082 Accessed 2022-07-01

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[JP] Shizuoka Prefecture Officially Joins Maglev Alliance

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Shizuoka Prefecture Officially Joins Linear Maglev Alliance

On July 14, the Alliance for Promoting the Construction of the Linear Central Japan High Speed Rail announced that Shizuoka Prefecture has officially joined as of the same day. The procedures, including the amendment of the constitution, have been completed. At a press conference on the same day, Aichi Prefecture Governor Hideaki Omura, chairman of the alliance, said, "We welcome the addition of Shizuoka Prefecture as the 10th member.

Regarding membership in the Alliance, Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu submitted an application for membership on June 2. The Alliance sent a letter to Shizuoka Prefecture confirming its position on the current route and the 2027 opening of the Tokyo-Shinagawa-Nagoya line, respectively. Shizuoka Prefecture responded "in full" (Governor Omura), and on June 29, the Alliance decided to admit Shizuoka Prefecture as a member.

Governor Omura said, "The 10 prefectures will work together in the same direction to achieve an early opening. Following Shizuoka Prefecture's official membership, a special meeting of the governors of the 10 prefectures, including Shizuoka Prefecture, is scheduled to be held in the near future.

Info based on: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOFD ... 0C2000000/ Nikkei, accessed: 2022-07-14

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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 On July 20, Shizuoka Prefecture held an expert panel to examine the environmental impact of the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, which has not been approved for start of construction.

 JR Tokai explained that it would install additional drainage pipes and other measures in light of a new prefectural ordinance that came into effect in July to tighten regulations on fill in the overburden yard planned for the upper reaches of the Oigawa River. Committee members pointed out the need to continue inspections after the project is completed in order to respond to the concerns of the prefectural residents.

Source: https://nordot.app/922333875347193856?c ... 1839462401 Accessed 2022-07-20

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem: JR Tokai's booklet

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Booklet distributed by JR Tokai "misleading" ?

 At a meeting of the prefectural government's expert committee on geological structure and water resources held at the Shizuoka Prefectural Government Office on August 20 to discuss the Oigawa River water problem associated with the construction of the Southern Alps Tunnel for the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, committee members expressed concern about a booklet distributed by JR Tokai on January 13 to solicit opinions from prefectural residents and others. The committee members pointed out that the booklet, which JR Tokai began distributing on January 13 to solicit opinions from prefectural residents and others, "gives the misconception that the discussion has already been completed. The prefectural government expressed concern that the booklet "is not in line with the 'two-way communication' called for in the interim report by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel.

Kunio Shiozaka, Chief Science Engineer, pointed out, "It is absurd for such a booklet to be published when there are no clear answers to the questions posed by the technical committee.
Chairman Yuichiro Morishita (Visiting Professor at Shizuoka University) also felt "very uncomfortable" and criticized the fact that JR published the booklet before the subcommittee meeting because it did not address the issues of the Tashiro Dam water withdrawal control plan, saying that it only served to "instill a sense of distrust.

 According to the opinions collected by the prefectural government from basin cities, towns, and water users, while some commented that it was "a sign of the company's attitude toward local concerns," others said that it was "a one-way move by JR" and "gives the impression that it is a decision. Prefectural Director Takashi Namba said, "It is good that JR is explaining in the booklet," but pointed out that there were insufficient descriptions of the uncertainties in the analysis of river flow rates and the discussion of the proposal to curb water intake at the Tashiro Dam. He expressed concern that the booklet "may stir up misunderstandings, manipulated impressions, optimism, and anxiety.

 The booklet was distributed at 11 stations in the Oigawa River basin and other areas of the prefecture to introduce the company's efforts regarding the Oigawa River's water resources, and was also published on the company's website. When asked by reporters after the meeting, Mr. Sawada said, "We will make use of the opinions in answering questions. We will consider updating the booklet.

Info: Motoko Sugisaki, Political Affairs Department, Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1096891.html Accessed 2022-07-21

2022-07-21 JR Tokai Brochure
2022-07-21 JR Tokai Brochure

Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1096891.html Accessed 2022-07-21

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[JP] Governor Heita Kawakatsu criticizes JR Tokai publication

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Governor Heita Kawakatsu harshly criticizes a pamphlet produced by JR Tokai.

 At a press conference on July 26, Governor Heita Kawakatsu criticized a pamphlet prepared by JR Tokai on the theme of water problems in the Oigawa River, saying, "It is regrettable that the pamphlet is so one-sided and loses credibility. I regret that it is one-sided. I think it is too courageous. Hideyuki Yamada

 The pamphlet was prepared by JR based on the interim report of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism's expert panel and other information. The pamphlet was distributed free of charge at a total of 11 stations, mainly in the basin, on the 13th of this month, and the company began soliciting opinions from local residents. Governor Kawakatsu responded, "I was surprised. The interim report called for JR to engage in two-way communication with the prefecture and cities and towns in the watershed, but it is one-sided. Essentially, the place for two-way communication is the expert panel (which corresponds to the prefectural government's expert panel). No easy conclusions have been reached," he pointed out.

 The pamphlet also included a proposal to curtail water intake at the upstream Tashiro Dam in order to return all spring water that will flow out of the prefecture during construction to the Oigawa River, but Governor Kawakatsu said, "It is not a total return" and "there are difficult technical and legal issues.

Info based on https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220727/d ... 20/153000c Accessed: 2022-07-27.

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Linear construction zone in Shizuoka: examination of the impact of construction soil on the regional ecosystems

A meeting of national experts on the Linear Central Shinkansen to discuss environmental preservation in Shizuoka Prefecture, where tunnel construction is planned, has confirmed that it will examine the impact of soil left over from the construction on the ecosystem.

The JR Tokai Corporation is aiming to open the Linear Central Shinkansen in 2027, and Shizuoka Prefecture, which has the authority to grant permission for the construction, is concerned about the negative impact on the ecosystem of the Southern Alps. However, Shizuoka Prefecture, which has the authority to grant construction permits, does not allow construction to begin in the prefecture, citing concerns about adverse effects on the Southern Alps ecosystem.

Based on the opinions at the previous meeting, the committee confirmed that in addition to the impact on the ecosystem caused by changes in the amount of water in the Oi River, the committee will also examine the impact caused by the disposal of overburden from the tunnel excavation work as fill in the watershed.

Also at the meeting, Mr. Takashi Namba, Director of the Shizuoka Prefectural Government, reported that the prefecture had compiled data provided by JR Tokai and found that, depending on the time of year, the tunnel construction would significantly reduce the volume of water upstream of the Oigawa River, and that there was concern that the ecosystem would be affected.

In response to this, the experts expressed the opinion that it is necessary to further examine the ground and inhabiting organisms in the basin in order to determine the impact on the ecosystem.

At a press conference following the meeting, Director Namba said, "We will consult with the government on how to proceed with additional research, taking into account the opinions of the experts.

Source: NHK Japan. August 02, 19:06 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 16805.html Accessed 2022-08-02

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[JP]: Shizuoka: projected drop in groundwater levels

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有識者会議 県「影響回避が前提」 地下水低下対策要求 /静岡

2022-08-03 JR Tokai Map
2022-08-03 JR Tokai Map
Screenshot 2022-08-03 at 14-27-42 リニアの行方:有識者会議 県「影響回避が前提」 地下水低下対策要求 /静岡 毎日新聞.png (776.19 KiB) Viewed 1711909 times
Chart showing projected drop in groundwater levels = courtesy of JR Tokai
Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220803/d ... 20/111000c Accessed 2022-08-03

On August 2, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism held its second meeting of experts to discuss JR Tokai's environmental preservation efforts regarding the South Alps Tunnel Shizuoka construction section of the Linear Central Shinkansen, which has not yet been started. The prefectural government insisted that JR should assume the responsibility of the operator to avoid environmental impact. The committee also asked JR to take measures to prevent a drop in groundwater levels of more than 300 meters, which is expected to occur around the tunnel as a result of the construction work.

 The prefectural government explained the history of the project, which was part of an interview of concerned parties by the experts' committee. Director Takashi Namba said, "The prefecture agrees with the necessity of the linear development. However, we would like to see an environmental impact assessment conducted at a level that will reassure prefectural residents before the project is implemented. He introduced the ongoing dialogue with JR at a special committee, which serves as the prefectural government's expert panel, based on the prefectural ordinance.

Source: https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220803/d ... 20/111000c Accessed 2022-08-03

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[JP] Governor Kawakatsu Inspects Dam on Upper Oigawa River

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Governor Kawakatsu Inspects Dam on Upper Oigawa River

2022-08-08 Governor Kawakatsu
2022-08-08 Governor Kawakatsu
3030016868_20220808181903_m[1].jpg (29.29 KiB) Viewed 1711808 times
Source: Translated form NHK News. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 16868.html Accessed 2022-08-08

On August 8, Governor Kawakatsu inspected the Tashiro Dam and a yard for overburden from construction work upstream of the Oigawa River in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, in order to confirm the impact of the Linear Central Shinkansen on the water resources of the Oigawa River and the measures to be taken.

The Tashiro Dam is managed by a company affiliated with TEPCO and draws water from the Oigawa River for hydroelectric power generation, but JR Tokai has proposed to measure the amount of water flowing out of the prefecture as part of the so-called "total return" of water and to control the intake of the same amount of water. JR Tokai has presented a plan to measure the amount of water flowing out of the prefecture due to the construction work and control the same amount of water intake at a prefectural committee.

At the site, Governor Kawakatsu interviewed JR Tokai officials about the observation method of water quality survey around the dam, and received explanations from prefectural officials about the dam's facilities and water intake.

After the inspection, Governor Kawakatsu stated, "Seeing the water from the Tashiro Dam, I felt that it would be truly appreciated if this water could be returned to the residents, and I hope that JR Tokai, as the originator of the idea, will take responsibility to realize this for the sake of contributing to the local community. I hope that JR Tokai, as the originator of the idea, will take responsibility and realize it for the sake of contributing to the local community.

Mamoru Uno, Vice President of JR Tokai, stated, "The local people, including the prefectural government, are concerned about the total return. We have received a variety of opinions at the prefectural government's subcommittee, and we would like to take action to respond to them.

Source: Translated form NHK News. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 16868.html Accessed 2022-08-08

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem: The Tashiro Dam Proposal

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田代ダム案、評価割れる 着工の鍵握る流域10市町 /静岡

10 Cities and Towns in the Watershed divided over Tashiro Dam Proposal

Mayor Kinuyo Someya of Shimada City called for positive consideration of the Tashiro Dam proposal. Norihiko Tamura, mayor of Yoshida Town, expressed a negative view of linking the dam project to the Linear Linear construction project.

 The 10 cities and towns in the Oigawa River basin, which hold the key to the start of construction of the Southern Alps Tunnel Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, are divided in their evaluation of the "Tashiro Dam Proposal" proposed by JR Tokai. The mayor of Shimada City, Kinuyo Someya, has asked the prefectural government to positively consider the proposal. On the other hand, Yoshida Mayor Norihiko Tamura is negative about linking the Tashiro Dam to the linear project, arguing that if there is enough water for hydroelectric power generation, the water should be returned to the Oigawa River regardless of the linear project. Hideyuki Yamada

 After the meeting with mayors, town mayors, and deputy mayors of the 10 cities and towns in the basin held on March 10, Governor Heita Kawakatsu was interviewed about the Tashiro Dam proposal. I would like to accept it squarely. (I would like to see JR give a proper explanation at the expert committee (the prefectural government's equivalent of an expert panel) and see to it that the proposal becomes a reality.

Source: Mainichi Shimbun 2022/8/17 https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220817/d ... 20/107000c Accesssed: 2022-08-17

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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As China has much more experiance in overcoming water inrush how about getting them to help especially as Japan will never sell the SC maglev to big democratic countries and China would never be able to do 600 km/h with 1 cm clearance.

The two countries need to work together with America to showcase an overnight container SC maglev between Sydney and Melbourne with freight sidings accessed by simply steering the front wheels.

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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JR "cannot determine cause" of three "well water shutdowns" near Toyooka Village linear construction zone

2022-08-19 wells in Toyooka
2022-08-19 wells in Toyooka
CNTS2022081900025_M[1].jpg (559.13 KiB) Viewed 1711597 times
Source: https://image.shinmai.co.jp/web-image/2 ... 0025_M.jpg Accessed: August 19, 2022
A well at the home of a woman in her 70s that ran dry. The water from the hose had stopped running on June 23 in Toyooka Village.

On August 18, it was learned that there were at least three cases in which residents complained that the water in their horizontal wells (wells dug horizontally on slopes, etc.) had run dry in the vicinity of the Ina Mountain Tunnel and Mibusawa construction area of the Linear Central Shinkansen, which began excavation in Toyooka-mura, Shimoina-gun.
JR Tokai stated that "it is impossible to determine whether the problem was caused by the construction work" and that JR Tokai is taking measures to draw water from a stream tributary to the Abugawa River in order not to cause inconvenience to the residents.

Source: https://www.shinmai.co.jp/news/article/ ... 2081900024 Accessed: August 19, 2022

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Re: The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Ask the Chinese how they managed to deal with an inrush of water when they successfully drove a tunnel beneath the sea.

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[JP] Shizuoka: Impact on Geology and Ecosystems

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The Future of the Linear Line
「ルート決定時、検討不十分」 地質や生態系への影響 県、JRに意見書 文書での回答求める /静岡
Opinion of Prefectural Government to JR about Impact on Geology and Ecosystems: Request for Response in Document / Shizuoka

 On August 25, the Shizuoka Prefectural Government submitted a letter of opinion to Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) regarding the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, which has not yet been started, stating that "insufficient consideration" was given to the geology of the Southern Alps and its impact on the ecosystem when the route was decided upon. The prefectural government requested a response in writing so that the geological structure and water resources expert committee, which serves as the prefectural government's expert panel, could discuss the issue.

 The written opinion summarizes the items that JR Tokai was unable to respond to or provided inadequate answers to the questions raised by the committee members and the prefectural government at the expert panel meeting.

 Regarding the current route, which passes through the Minami-Alps National Park, home to rare plants and animals, and involves building a tunnel under the Oi River, which provides water supply for approximately 620,000 people in the basin, Atsunao Marui, a committee member, asked whether the current route was selected from the perspective of economic efficiency and other factors, and requested an answer.
Kyoji Namba, a prefectural board member, appealed, "We need to discuss now the areas that were not sufficiently considered when the route was decided upon.

Info based on: Mainichi Shimbun 2022/8/26 https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220826/d ... 20/184000c Accessed: 2022-08-26

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[JP] Kanagawa Governor Criticizes Shizuoka Governor

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Kanagawa Governor Criticizes Shizuoka Governor, Says Linear Partial Opening "Unlikely"

At a press conference on May 5, Kanagawa Governor Yuji Kuroiwa criticized Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu for his recognition that the Linear Shinkansen Line should be opened first on the route connecting the prefecture and Kofu City. How many people will find it convenient? The project is to create a major artery for the Japanese archipelago, so a partial opening is not possible," he said.

Mr. Kuroiwa said, "People may want to ride the linear train, but it is not a train at an amusement park. It is important to aim for the full opening of the line as scheduled.

Governor Kawakatsu plans to visit Kanagawa Station (tentative name, Sagamihara City) in the near future. Mr. Kuroiwa said, "It is meaningful to have him confirm that construction is progressing smoothly.

Info based on translated Japanese News: https://www.iza.ne.jp/article/20220905- ... 5INI42HD4/ Accessed: 2022-09-05

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[JP] Shizuoka Governor and JR Tokai President to meet on Sept. 13, 2022

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リニア着工認めていない静岡県知事とJR東海社長 13日に会談へ

Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture and JR Tokai President, who has not approved the start of linear construction, to meet on Sept. 13

On September 13, Governor Kawakatsu and JR Tokai President Kaneko will meet directly for the first time in two years to discuss their views on the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, which Shizuoka Prefecture has not approved the start of construction.

Governor Kawakatsu proposed the partial opening of the line between Yamanashi and Kanagawa, a route not envisioned by JR Tokai and the alliance, and on July 7, during a visit to the construction site of a station under construction in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, he stated that "the acquisition of land for the rail yard has been delayed, and the line will not open in time for the 2027 opening. This has caused some consternation among the concerned parties.

Under such circumstances, Shizuoka Prefecture announced on April 12 that Governor Kawakatsu and JR Tokai President Kaneko would hold a hurried meeting on April 13. The meeting will be held behind closed doors, and is expected to confirm the purpose of Governor Kawakatsu's remarks and his ideas on future development. This is the first time in about two years since June 2020, when President Kaneko asked Governor Kawakatsu for his approval of the preparatory work for the 2027 opening.

Source: NHK Japan, https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/202209 ... 91000.html Accessed September 12, 2022

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Opening in 2027 is increasingly difficult... JR Tokai and Shizuoka Gov. meet directly for the first time in 2 years on the Linear Central Shinkansen Line.
img_c33996d23120dcc93434a1a167b085d0104225[1].jpg (37.99 KiB) Viewed 1709948 times
Source: https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/151285?display=1 Accessed: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Linear Central Shinkansen Line connecting Tokyo and Nagoya is facing difficulties in opening in 2027, as originally planned, due to construction delays.
On the afternoon of January 13, the first meeting in two years between JR Tokai President Kaneko and Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu took place at the Shizuoka Prefectural Government Office.

President Kaneko requested that construction be allowed to begin in Shizuoka Prefecture in order to have a reasonable prospect of opening the line in Nagoya.

Construction of the Linear Line is progressing in many parts of the country, and in the prefecture, preparatory work for the Nagano station is scheduled to begin in November, along with the excavation of the tunnel. However, construction of the approximately 9-kilometer section of the Shizuoka construction zone has not yet begun.

At the meeting, however, Governor Kawakatsu expressed his reluctance to start construction, saying, "There are issues that need to be resolved.

The direct talks did not lead to any concrete agreement, and the opening of the new facility in 2027 remains difficult to achieve.

Source: https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/151285?display=1 Accessed: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

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[JP] Governor and JR Tokai President Meet Directly for First Time in Two Years

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リニア中央新幹線 知事とJR東海社長が2年ぶりに直接会談

During the meeting, which lasted about an hour and was held behind closed doors, Mr. Kaneko said that he did not expect a partial opening and that he had already acquired about half of the land for the rail yard, so he did not expect any delay in the overall construction process.
Governor Kawakatsu was not convinced, but expressed his willingness to continue dialogue.
After the meeting, President Kaneko said, "There were times when the governor's comments and our ideas differed. I thought it was very important to meet directly with him and convey our thoughts.

Governor Kawakatsu said, "We are taking the necessary procedures to start construction as soon as possible. I think they understood that.

Info based on translated NHK report: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 17337.html Accessed 2022-09-14

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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The heads of the Shizuoka prefectural government and [...] JR Tokai [...] failed to narrow gaps in their first talks in two years on the Chuo Shinkansen magnetic levitation line on Tuesday.
The prefectural government has refused to approve the start of construction in Shizuoka, [...]. The refusal is making it difficult for the Chuo Shinkansen line to be opened between Shinagawa Station in Tokyo and Nagoya Station [...], in 2027, as sought by the railway operator.
Source = Jiji Press. https://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2022091301120 Accessed: 14.09.2022
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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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The Chinese have demonstrated how they dealt with an inrush of water when they overcome a bigger one when they tunnelled beneath the sea so perhaps they can ask them.

Even though Japan is better at SC maglev China is better at tunnels so they should cooperate with America to showcase an international 700km/h guideway betweeen Sydney and Melbourne that is economically viable with an overnight container train.

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Shizuoka, JR Tokai remain apart on maglev talk

The heads of the Shizuoka prefectural government and Central Japan Railway Co., or JR Tokai, failed to narrow gaps in their first talks in two years on the Chuo Shinkansen magnetic levitation line on Tuesday.


Kaneko sought the prefecture’s approval for starting construction, saying that the company will make serious efforts to resolve the water issue and to protect the natural environment of the Southern Japanese Alps region.

“If we can’t start work in Shizuoka, it is difficult to draw up construction plans,” he said.

Kawakatsu said that the maglev project is “in a critical situation as the novel coronavirus has changed patterns of people’s behavior.” The governor reiterated his call for initially opening the maglev line between Kanagawa Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture, east and north of Shizuoka, respectively.

Kaneko rejected this proposal, saying that the maglev line will be meaningful as a bypass for the Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train line. [...]
Source: https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/society ... 915-58295/ Accessed September 15, 2022

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Parrahub1 wrote:
15. Sep 2022, 01:09
The Chinese have demonstrated how they dealt with an inrush of water when they overcome a bigger one when they tunnelled beneath the sea so perhaps they can ask them.

Even though Japan is better at SC maglev China is better at tunnels so they should cooperate with America to showcase an international 700km/h guideway betweeen Sydney and Melbourne that is economically viable with an overnight container train.
I see your point. However, that presumes that the (Japanese) EDS Maglev technology is the right one for the US. Not everyone will agree with that view. There are quite a few who think the German (now rather Chinese) EMS technology is more practical and better overall.
But even experts seem to disagree on whether EDS or EMS is preferable.
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[JP] Shizuoka Governor Visits Construction Sites in Kanagawa Prefecture

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Shizuoka Governor Visits Construction Sites in Kanagawa Prefecture

"Instead of holding out illusions about the 2027 opening, any inconvenient information must be shared". These were the words of Heita Kawakatsu, Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture (according to Hideki Kashida, Journalist on September 16, 2022), who inspected the construction site of the Linear Central Shinkansen ("Linear") in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Info based on Japanese Source: https://www.kinyobi.co.jp/kinyobinews/2 ... tena-1125/ Accessed 2022-09-16

2022-09-16_Kawakatsu visit
2022-09-16_Kawakatsu visit
Photo: https://www.kinyobi.co.jp/kinyobinews/2 ... tena-1125/ Accessed 2022-09-16

 The media was informed in advance of the inspection of two locations. The first was the Oo-dong emergency exit (slanting shaft) in Midori-ku, Sagamihara City, and the second was the Kanagawa Linear Station under construction near JR East's Hashimoto Station. Governor Kawakatsu was briefed by JR Tokai on the outline of the construction work at the site, but later, during a closed-door interview at Sagamihara City Hall, he gave reporters a report they did not expect. After the Oodora emergency exit, the governor and a delegation of Shizuoka Prefecture officials stopped by the planned linear rail yard in the Toriya district of Midori-ku, without any guidance from JR Tokai.

The construction period for the base is 11 years. However, when we went down to the site, we found that there were still some houses left and we learned for the first time today that construction had not yet started. Even if construction were to begin next year, it would be completed in 1934, and the partial opening in 2027 would not be completed in time.

Info based on Japanese Source: https://www.kinyobi.co.jp/kinyobinews/2 ... tena-1125/ Accessed 2022-09-16

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[JP] Governor Kawakatsu emphasized commitment to environmental preservation and compatibility

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 Governor Heita Kawakatsu emphasized his commitment to environmental preservation and the early realization of the Linear Line at a plenary session of the Shizuoka Prefectural Assembly on September 21, 2010, in a speech about the Southern Alps Tunnel Shizuoka construction section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line that has not yet been started. He expressed his displeasure with JR Tokai's proposal to curb water intake from the upstream Tashiro Dam in order to return all the water gushing into the tunnel to the Oigawa River during excavation, saying, "JR Tokai distributed a booklet stating that it is possible to implement a proposal that is still under verification," and called for a sincere response to the proposal. [Hideyuki Yamada

 In his explanation of the bill, Governor Kawakatsu claimed that the Geological Structure and Water Resources Expert Committee, a prefectural expert panel, had requested JR to verify the feasibility of the Tashiro Dam proposal during the drought season, but that there was no explanation of what could be verified as feasible from a scientific and engineering perspective.

Info based on Source: Mainichi Shimbun 2022/9/22 Local edition https://mainichi.jp/articles/20220922/d ... 20/384000c Accessed 2022-09-22

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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リニア駅イベントで黒岩知事とJR東海社長 静岡知事に反論「神奈川県のせいではない
Governor Kuroiwa and JR Tokai President respond to Shizuoka Governor at Linear Station Event: "It is not Kanagawa Prefecture's Fault"

In response to Shizuoka Governor Kawakatsu's statement that "Kanagawa Prefecture is responsible" for the delay in the opening of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, Governor Kuroiwa and JR Tokai's president responded, "We don't know the basis for this".

On the first of this month, at the construction site of the linear train station in Midori Ward, Sagamihara City, an event began in which images were projected on the excavated slope to explain the construction status to local residents, and Governor Kuroiwa and others held a lighting ceremony. Governor Kuroiwa and other officials held a lighting ceremony.

Info based on https://nordot.app/949528650071539712?c ... 7562557440 Accessed: 2022-10-03
2022-10-03 Sagamihara Meeting
2022-10-03 Sagamihara Meeting
airgapghpR.JPG (44.67 KiB) Viewed 1708120 times
Photo screenshot from: https://nordot.app/949528650071539712?c ... 7562557440 Accessed: 2022-10-03

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[JP] Agreement on "Close Cooperation"

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Agreement on "Close Cooperation"

Governors of Kanto and other prefectures held a meeting in Shizuoka City to discuss policy issues. Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, who is at odds with Governor Nagasaki of Yamanashi Prefecture over the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, spoke directly with Governor Nagasaki of Yamanashi Prefecture and agreed to work closely together and keep each other updated on administrative issues.

The "Kanto Regional Governors' Meeting" was held at a hotel in Shizuoka City and attended by the governors of the six prefectures in the Kanto region, as well as the governors of Shizuoka, Yamanashi, and Nagano.
Governor Kawakatsu asked JR Tokai to show the reason for setting up the Yamanashi section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line and the location where the work will be stopped without any explanation to Governor Nagasaki of Yamanashi Prefecture, due to concerns over the tunnel construction in the Yamanashi section of the Linear Shinkansen Line and its impact on water resources in the Oigawa River in Shizuoka Prefecture. On the 26th, Governor Kawakatsu had a direct talk with Governor Nagasaki before the meeting.
Governor Nagasaki expressed his understanding of Shizuoka Prefecture's request to JR to hold a meeting of the Shizuoka Prefectural Special Committee to discuss stopping the construction of the Yamanashi section near the border between the two prefectures.

Info based on https://www3.nhk.or.jp/shutoken-news/20 ... 86199.html Accessed 2022-10-25

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[JP] Shizuoka and JR Tokai to Discuss How to Proceed

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Shizuoka Prefecture and JR Tokai to Discuss How to Proceed with Excavation of Yamanashi Side of Linear Line

 Expert committee to examine the environmental impact of the Shizuoka construction zone of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line.

 Shizuoka Prefecture agreed with Central Japan Railway Company (JR Tokai) on March 31 to begin discussions on how to proceed with the tunnel excavation work in the Yamanashi section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line just before it reaches the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures. Shizuoka Prefecture has expressed concern that the construction will reduce the flow of the Oi River in the prefecture.

 JR Tokai explained that the excavation on the Yamanashi side had reached approximately 920 meters before the border between the two prefectures. JR Tokai plans to continue excavation up to the prefectural border, but will provide information to the prefectural government before proceeding with excavation beyond that point.
 Prefectural Director Takashi Namba emphasized that "we need to be cautious while the problem of reduced flow in the Oigawa River has not been resolved.

Info based on Japanese Source: https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/211209 Accessed: October 31, 2022, (Kyodo News)

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Eurorapid wrote:
15. Sep 2022, 21:49
Parrahub1 wrote:
15. Sep 2022, 01:09
The Chinese have demonstrated how they dealt with an inrush of water when they overcome a bigger one when they tunnelled beneath the sea so perhaps they can ask them.

Even though Japan is better at SC maglev China is better at tunnels so they should cooperate with America to showcase an international 700km/h guideway betweeen Sydney and Melbourne that is economically viable with an overnight container train.
I see your point. However, that presumes that the (Japanese) EDS Maglev technology is the right one for the US. Not everyone will agree with that view. There are quite a few who think the German (now rather Chinese) EMS technology is more practical and better overall.
But even experts seem to disagree on whether EDS or EMS is preferable.
From what I have read the Chinese one with only 1 cm clearance costs so much to build and maintain and is too slow for an overnight container train for it to be profitable making it unsuitable for any democracy.

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[JP] Governor Kawakatsu Test Rides Linear Line in Yamanashi

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川勝知事 山梨でリニア試乗 提案から一転“部分開業困難”
Governor Kawakatsu Test Rides Linear Line in Yamanashi, Says Partial Opening Difficult

Governor Kawakatsu of Shizuoka Prefecture, who does not approve the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen line in his prefecture, visited an experimental center in Yamanashi Prefecture and test rode a test vehicle.
After this, he changed his mind about the preliminary partial opening of the line between Yamanashi and Kanagawa, which he had proposed on his own, and expressed his belief that it would be difficult to realize.
Governor Kawakatsu visited JR Tokai's Linear Test Center in Tsuru City, Yamanashi Prefecture, on November 2, and together with President Kaneko, test rode a test vehicle to experience the comfort of riding a train at a maximum speed of 500 km/h.

In an interview after the visit, Governor Kawakatsu revealed that JR had explained to him that it is expected to take time to set up a substation on the Kanagawa side, which is necessary for the train to run, regarding the preliminary partial opening of the Yamanashi-Kanagawa line. -In a reversal of his previous assertions, he stated that he believed it would be difficult to achieve the partial opening because the substation between Yamanashi and Kanagawa had not yet been built.
On the other hand, he said, "We have to protect the nature of the Southern Alps and water resources, and we have to gain the understanding of the local residents," and indicated that he would continue discussions with JR Tokai regarding starting construction in the prefecture.

Info based on NHK news: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 18156.html Accessed: November 02, 2022

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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社説(11月7日)リニア地質調査 受け入れの検討着手を
Geological exploration along the planned Maglev route in Shizuoka 

At a meeting of Shizuoka Prefecture experts to discuss the Oigawa River water problem associated with the Linear Central Shinkansen Southern Alps Tunnel construction project, JR Tokai asked for understanding of the advanced boring across the prefectural border, which Shizuoka Prefecture has expressed concern about "the possibility of groundwater leakage in the prefecture," on the grounds that it is not construction work but a "survey. JR Tokai asked for understanding of the decision to conduct the boring, saying that it was an "investigation" and not a construction project.
 The advanced boring will extend the borehole pipe approximately 1 km beyond the leading edge of the tunnel excavation. It is considered to be a cutting-edge construction method that improves the efficiency of excavation work by investigating the geological conditions ahead based on data obtained from spring water volume, water pressure, and chemical analysis.

 It has been pointed out that borings should be conducted at multiple locations from the surface, but the interim report of the MLIT expert panel evaluated advanced borings as more effective. Discussions will make progress once the detailed conditions of the fracture zones, where groundwater accumulates, are determined.
 Geological data is indispensable for precise prediction of tunnel water inflow, and borehole investigations will be a powerful tool.

 Tunnel construction in the Yamanashi and Nagano construction zones is proceeding toward Shizuoka Prefecture and is nearing a border crossing. The prefecture noted that if the tunnel construction approaches the prefectural border, the water pressure difference could cause groundwater stored in the Southern Alps to flow out to both prefectures. The prefectural government also believes that advanced boring will also drain groundwater, and that construction from both prefectures should be halted at an appropriate point to discuss avoiding an impact on the water resources of the Oigawa River.
 JR should carefully explain how to avoid these concerns. The suspension of tunnel excavation is understandable, but there is room for consideration of advanced boring. The implementation of the project will require strict control of the amount of water flowing out of the spring and full disclosure of the information obtained. It is necessary to establish a system to manage the data in such a way that Shizuoka Prefecture officials and experts can access the data at any time and verify the progress.

 In the past, JR announced that it would return all the water from the tunnel, but when it entered into discussions with Shizuoka Prefecture, JR effectively withdrew this announcement, saying that it was a measure to solve the problem. The company now explains that "all the water will be returned except during a certain period of construction. The mistrust of Shizuoka Prefecture and water users has yet to be resolved. The debate over the implementation of drilling is likely to be mixed. Once again, we hope that JR will realize the weight of its accountability and approach its discussions with Shizuoka Prefecture with a sincere attitude.

 JR also announced that it had received a government opinion from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism that its previously announced plan to curb water intake from the Tashiro Dam "does not violate the River Law. He asked TEPCO, which manages the dam, for cooperation and proposed the idea as a measure to prevent tunnel spring water from flowing out of the prefecture. Experts pointed out the possibility of violating laws and regulations such as the use of water for other purposes and the transfer of water rights, and JR referred the matter to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

 The framework of the proposal to curb water withdrawal from the Tashiro Dam is that the amount of spring water outflow from the tunnel construction will be measured, and that TEPCO will stop withdrawing water from the Tashiro Dam in an amount equivalent to this outflow. Governor Heita Kawakatsu has pointed out that this is not a total reversion, but merely a regional contribution measure. The prefectural government has consistently called for measures to return the entire amount of spring water generated by the tunnel construction to the Oigawa River, so it is only natural that they would find it difficult to accept measures that are based on the assumption that the water will flow out of the prefecture as part of the "total return" plan.

 However, it is necessary to mobilize all measures to avoid adverse effects associated with the tunnel construction, and the views of JR and TEPCO should be heard and the effectiveness of such measures verified.

 In the past, the middle and lower reaches of the Oigawa River were turned into a riverbed desert by the construction of dams for power generation, and a "return the water" campaign was launched. The Tashiro Dam is due for renewal of its water rights in 2025. The fact that the government has given its "blessing" to curb water withdrawal is extremely serious. It should be noted that if there is room for TEPCO to supply water to JR, it may be argued that the amount of water to be released should be permanently increased.

Info based on Japanese Source (Editorial of Your Shizuoka Newspaper): https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1146822.html Accessed 2022-11-08

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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I am sure the Chinese may be able to advise them with predrive grouting as they have driven past bigger inflows under the sea.

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[JP] Linear Construction Boring Study "Should be Conducted".

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リニア工事 ボーリング調査 牧之原市長「実施するべき」
Linear Construction Boring Study: Mayor of Makinohara City "Should be Conducted".

At a regular press conference held on March 24, Makinohara City Mayor Motohisao Sugimoto stated that JR Tokai's intention to conduct a high-speed long advanced boring study beyond the borders of Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures for the Linear Central Shinkansen tunnel construction project "should be implemented to advance the discussion based on the study. He stated that the research should be conducted in order to advance discussions based on the survey.
 Mayor Sugimoto stated that, given the current lack of detailed understanding of the geological conditions and the risk of water runoff, "the survey may allow us to estimate rather than assume. On the other hand, he stressed that JR should respond sincerely to the concerns of the members of the prefectural expert panel and the prefectural government, who have pointed out that there is a concern that groundwater in the prefecture could leak out.

Info based on Japanese Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1155421.html Accessed 2022-11-25

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Re: [JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Swallow their pride and get the Chinese to show them how it is done based on far greater experience.

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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リニア中央新幹線 ダム水利権協議会 “取水量の削減可能”
Linear Central Shinkansen Dam Water Rights Council "Reduction in water withdrawal possible."

A meeting was held to discuss water rights for a dam upstream on the Oigawa River, where JR Tokai has proposed a plan to curtail water intake for hydropower generation as a way to return the amount of water flowing out of the prefecture for the Linear Central Shinkansen construction to the Oigawa River, and the results of verification revealed that the dam intake can be reduced over three months during the winter season.

The Tashiro Dam on the upper reaches of the Oigawa River is managed by an affiliate of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and draws water from the Oigawa River for hydroelectric power generation, but JR Tokai has presented a proposal to curtail water intake as one method of so-called "total reversion" at a prefectural expert committee meeting.

On March 30, the Oigawa Water Conservancy Flow Adjustment Council, consisting of the prefectural government and cities and towns in the basin, met for the first time in seven years in Shimada City, and the Tashiro Dam management company presented the results of its study on how much water intake could be reduced during the winter months.

According to the results, it was found that if only one of the two power generation facilities was operated, the facility could be maintained without freezing and the amount of water intake could be reduced.

In response to the results, the council decided to change the existing regulations and reduce the amount of water taken from the river during the winter months of early December to mid-March, while maintaining the river flow at 0.43 cubic meters per second.
Since the reduced amount of water intake will help secure the amount of water in the Oi River, there is a possibility that the prefectural government's technical committee will make progress in its dialogue with JR Tokai as one way to return the entire amount of water.

Source: NHK Japan https://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/shizuoka/2 ... 18454.html
Accessed: November 30

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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Strong support for Pre-tunneling Investigation

The leaders of 10 cities and towns along the Oigawa River and members of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism's expert panel exchanged opinions on the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line (Kyodo).
The leaders of 10 cities and towns along the Oigawa River and members of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's expert panel exchanged opinions on the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line (Kyodo)

The leaders of 10 cities and towns in the Oi River basin in Shizuoka Prefecture, who are concerned about a decrease in the flow of the Oi River due to the construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Central Shinkansen Line, exchanged opinions with the members of the expert committee of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture, on March 3. One after another, the municipalities expressed their support for the pre-tunnel boring survey that JR Tokai has announced its intention to conduct.

The discussion was closed to the public and was held for the first time at the request of the cities and towns. A total of seven people attended the meeting, including a university professor and a senior official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, which serves as the secretariat. According to Shimada Mayor Kinuyo Someya, most of the mayors expressed their opinion that it would be better to conduct a borehole survey.

The members of the experts' committee also expressed the opinion that a survey was necessary. Professor Shoji Fukuoka of Chuo University Research and Development Organization, who chaired the expert panel, ordered, "JR Tokai should make an effort to communicate and understand the concerns and pain of the local community.

Shizuoka Prefecture has so far claimed that the tunnel construction will cause underground water on the Shizuoka side to flow out of the prefecture and reduce the flow of the Oigawa River, and JR Tokai has indicated its intention to conduct a boring survey prior to the construction, but Shizuoka Prefecture has opposed the survey as well, citing the possibility of groundwater leakage.

Shizuoka Prefecture is opposed to the start of construction of the Shizuoka section of the Linear Line due to its negative impact on the environment. It is now difficult to achieve the originally planned 2027 opening of the line between Shinagawa in Tokyo and Nagoya.

Info based on Kyodo News, Japan. Accessed: https://www.nikkansports.com/general/ne ... 01335.html 2022-12-04

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[JP] The Shizuoka Water & Maglev Tunnel Problem

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 On March 3, a meeting was held in Shimada City to discuss water issues in the middle and lower reaches of the Oigawa River in connection with the construction of the Linear Central Shinkansen Tunnel. The committee members explained that it was "an effective survey" and that they were generally satisfied with the results. The chiefs were generally satisfied with the results.
The meeting was closed to the public, and those in attendance were available for interviews after the meeting. The prefectural government has expressed concern that the drilling could lead to groundwater leakage in the prefecture, but Shoji Fukuoka, chairman of the committee, expressed the committee members' opinion that the drilling is not a construction project but an investigation, and that the investigation itself is not a problem.

 The mayor of Shimada City, Kinuyo Someya, told the press, "After the explanation, most of the leaders agreed that it would be a good idea to try boring.

 However, the expert panel did not discuss the impact of advanced boring from Yamanashi Prefecture on water resources in Shizuoka Prefecture. Chairperson Fukuoka stated that his opinion was solely "the personal opinion of each committee member. He stated that even after the interim report on water issues was released in December 2021, the concerns and anxieties of the residents of the basin have not been dispelled. On the other hand, he also praised the company's response, saying that it is "steadily implementing" the two-way communication with the local community that he called for in the interim report.

Source: https://www.at-s.com/news/article/shizuoka/1159571.html Accessed: 2022-12-04

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