IMB Professionals

Dipl. Ing. Martin Retzmann

Germany, European Union

Martin Retzmann is a Railway Engineer and an expert for High Speed Transport Infrastructure.

Martin Retzmann is a Railroad Engineer. He served for many years as vice president of the International Maglev Board.

He holds a Master's Degree in traffic and transportation science from the Faculty of Transport Science at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

He is an expert for High Speed Transport (HST) and Urban Public Transport Infrastructure. His special fields of expertise are transport infrastructure planning and maglev guideways.

During his work he acquired extensive knowledge about design, evaluation and operation of road and railway-based traffic facilities. In his final thesis he was researching about HST infrastructure route planning and comparing conventional high-speed railroads with the magnetic-levitation system Transrapid.

マーティン・レッツマン は、The Internatoinal Maglevboard のCEOです。

は鉄道エンジニアです。 彼はドイツ・ドレスデン技術大学、交通科学学部での交通および交通科学の修士号を保持しています。

彼は高速交通(HST)インフラの専門家です。 彼の専門分野は交通インフラの計画とマグレブ・ガイドウェイです。

修学中、彼は道路デザイン、評価、そして運用、また鉄道交通設備に関する広汎な知識を得ました。 修士論文の中で、彼はHSTインフラルート計画について調査し、また磁気浮揚システムを用いた従来型高速鉄道を比較しました。
