The Maglev 2024 took take place in Malmoe and Copenhagen (Europe), September 19-20, 2024. [...]
The conference was organised by Prof. Henrik Ny and Martin Prieto Beaulieu from the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.
The International Maglev Board supported the confernence. The conference website was:
Key Dates
- Abstracts submission deadline: 22nd May 2024 (extended)
- Full Papers submission deadline: 7th July 2024
- Maglev 2024 Conference: 19-21 september 2024
Conference Impressions
Photos by Martin Prieto Beaulieu.
Conference Topics
The call for abstracts combined traditional Maglev technological research, and development topics with Maglev project and implementation topics and broader sustainability and societal impact topics.
Abstract submissions for Maglev2024 therefore included the following topics:
Maglev Technological Research and Development
1. Magnetic Levitation and Guidance
2. Linear Motors
3. Guideway and Infrastructure Technologies
4. Energy Storage and Supply
5. Reliability, Safety and Operational Control
6. Magnetic Elevators and Escalators
7. Magnetic Bearings
8. Superconductors
9. Design Issues (stations, guideways, vehicles)
10. New Ideas on Levitating Device Applications
11. Standardization Issues
12. Hyperloop.
Maglev Projects and Implementations
13. High-Speed Maglev (including Hyperloop): Studies, Projects and Operation Results
14. Urban Maglev: Studies, Projects and Operation Results
15. Freight (Cargo) Maglev: Studies, Projects and Operation Results
16. Innovative Spin-off use.
Sustainability Assessments and Societal Impacts
17. Strategic Sustainable Development Assessments (ecological, social, societal economic)
18. Environmental and Health Issues (electromagnetic fields, noise, vibrations, earthquakes)
19. Research and Education, Cooperation
20. Marketing and Transport Psychology Issues (comfort demand, travel time, human factors)
21. Architecture, Urban Planning, Societal Transport Planning
22. Impacts on Spatial and Regional Development, Transport Geography, GIS
23. History of Maglev Development (worldwide).
All abstract submissions underwent peer-review process. Full papers were published in the Maglev2024 conference proceedings. The conference website was: