2014 Brazil: The MAGLEV 2014 Conference

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The MAGLEV 2014 Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 28th September to 1st October 2014.


Organizing Committee
General Chair: Richard Magdalena Stephan (UFRJ)
Co-chair: Roberto Nicolsky (UEZO e PROTEC)
Technical Program Chair: Rubens de Andrade Jr. (UFRJ)
Technical Program Co-chair: Daniel Henrique N. Dias (UFF)
Finance Chair: José Andrés Santisteban (UFF)
Publication & Midia Chair: Antônio Carlos Ferrerira (UFRJ)
Social and Technical Visits Chair: Guilherme G. Sotelo (UFF)
Industry Cooperation and Exhibition Chair: Roberto Nicolsky (UEZO)
Event organizer: Constança Carvalho e Marion Bronz (C&M)


Conference Flyer

 Flyer 27.03 B



Photos of the Maglev 2014 conference


Reception (on Sunday)



Conference days (Monday, Tuesday)

  Photos: COPPE/UFRJ


Gala dinner (Tuesday night)

  Photos: COPPE/UFRJ


Visit and inauguration of MagLev-Cobra

(Wednesday - 1st October 2014, precisely 50 years after the Shinkansen inauguration in Japan)




Levita Rio

(a popular exposition at the beach, the weekend before the conference)  Photos: COPPE/UFRJ




